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Snow Leopards By Ben, Hannah and Ethan Directions: Replace “Animal” with your animal’s name and “Name” with your name.

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Presentation on theme: "Snow Leopards By Ben, Hannah and Ethan Directions: Replace “Animal” with your animal’s name and “Name” with your name."— Presentation transcript:

1 Snow Leopards By Ben, Hannah and Ethan Directions: Replace “Animal” with your animal’s name and “Name” with your name.

2 Directions: Replace “Animal” with your animal’s name. Highlight “Begin typing here” and type your animal’s characteristics. Characteristics of Snow Leopards  Their coat keeps them warm.  Their tails can be as long as their bodies.  They can jump fast and far. Directions: Click to add a picture of your animal. (Click on Import Clip to use your own file.)

3 Directions: Replace “Animal’s” with your animal’s name. (Don’t forget the apostrophe.) Highlight “Begin typing here” and type your description of your animal’s habitat. Snow Leopard’s Habitat  They live in a cold and dry climate.  They live in the mountains of Asia.  They live where there is snow and ice. Directions: Click to add a picture of your animal in its habitat. (Click on Import Clip to use your own file.)

4 Directions: Replace “Animal’s” with your animal’s name. (Don’t forget the apostrophe.) Highlight “Begin typing here” and type your description of your animal’s diet. Snow Leopard’s Diet  They can eat wild sheep.  They eat goats.  They eat animals that are three times bigger than they are. Directions: Click to add a picture of your animal’s diet. (Click on Import Clip to use your own file.)

5 Directions: Click to add a picture of your animal. (Click on Import Clip to use your own file.) Directions: Highlight “Begin typing here” and type some interesting facts about your animal. Interesting Facts  Their large paws help them walk on snow and ice.  The cubs use their mother’s tails as a blanket.  The mother hides her cubs in the rocks.

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