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Sections 10-1 & 10-2 Mole Conversions. 1 mole = 6.02x10 23 atoms, = molar mass (g) = 22.4 L molecules, of any gas Formula units at STP Mass – Mole Problem:

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Presentation on theme: "Sections 10-1 & 10-2 Mole Conversions. 1 mole = 6.02x10 23 atoms, = molar mass (g) = 22.4 L molecules, of any gas Formula units at STP Mass – Mole Problem:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sections 10-1 & 10-2 Mole Conversions


3 1 mole = 6.02x10 23 atoms, = molar mass (g) = 22.4 L molecules, of any gas Formula units at STP Mass – Mole Problem: Convert 6.28 g NaCl to moles

4 1 mole = 6.02x10 23 atoms, = molar mass (g) = 22.4 L molecules, of any gas Formula units at STP How many grams of SO 2 are in 5.50 moles SO 2 ?

5 1 mole = 6.02x10 23 atoms, = molar mass (g) = 22.4 L molecules, of any gas Formula units at STP Particle – Mole Problems How many atoms are in.920 moles of aluminum?

6 1 mole = 6.02x10 23 atoms, = molar mass (g) = 22.4 L molecules, of any gas Formula units at STP How many moles are in 7.82x10 24 formula units of CaCO 3 ?

7 1 mole = 6.02x10 23 atoms, = molar mass (g) = 22.4 L molecules, of any gas Formula units at STP Mass – Particle How many molecules are in 6.5 g of NH 3 ?

8 1 mole = 6.02x10 23 atoms, = molar mass (g) = 22.4 L molecules, of any gas Formula units at STP If you burned 4.24x10 24 molecules of CH 4 (methane), what mass of methane did you burn?

9 1 mole = 6.02x10 23 atoms, = molar mass (g) = 22.4 L molecules, of any gas Formula units at STP Nbzzxfbb//k01111111111111111111111r69ln mophgf6gk;/.,.l.jugvnjcfkck,bfdtfyteysrfhvc vxfxnbc ccvvbbnb b bnb bbbhjbn, m m mmm m,m,,.,l../.;’;pl,;k,l.;lkl;l,,l;l

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