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Day 6 Dug trenches and planted about 10 trees to act as hedging to protect some of the endangered trees from grazing and harvesting.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 6 Dug trenches and planted about 10 trees to act as hedging to protect some of the endangered trees from grazing and harvesting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 6 Dug trenches and planted about 10 trees to act as hedging to protect some of the endangered trees from grazing and harvesting

2 Day 6 (continued)  Azam interviewed more of the students for his health survey  Played ‘musical stones’ with kids and teachers  Hiked to a nearby water pool and went swimming, then lay on the rocks to warm up

3 Day 7 Students and teachers came to the KEEP center. We played charades with the kids and teachers, acted out a play in telegu, and played games with the kids

4 Day 8 Hiked to Lobby’s Pool and spent hours diving into the water. Headed out to Bangalore: Valley School’s study center in the evening. Amazing campus and the room/accommodations were very nice

5 Day 9 Ate breakfast with the rest of the guests at the Valley School’s study center. Went to meet the teachers. Had a great discussion with ‘Krishnagi’ (Krishninath) about our stay and activities at Kaigal. Went to Bangalore for shopping and met Prem Uncle & Sudha Auntie at a restaurant for a farewell dinner Said goodbye to Azam

6 Day 10 Walked to Prem Uncle & Sudha Auntie’s house for breakfast Said final goodbyes and left for the airport


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