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D ATA T EAMS The Way of Our Work: Differentiated Accountability MTSS IPPAS  School Improvement Student Achievement AMO’s.

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Presentation on theme: "D ATA T EAMS The Way of Our Work: Differentiated Accountability MTSS IPPAS  School Improvement Student Achievement AMO’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 D ATA T EAMS The Way of Our Work: Differentiated Accountability MTSS IPPAS  School Improvement Student Achievement AMO’s

2 DATA: The Way of Our Work What do students need to know and be able to do? Standards-Based Instruction How will we know that students were taught standards? Instruction – Adult behavior How will we know if students are responding to Standard-Based Instruction? Student behavior - assessments and ‘look-fors’ in student work/learning What will we do if they already know it or don’t learn it? differentiate, intervene

3 What is a Teacher Data Team? Data teams are the single best way to help educators and administrators move from ‘drowning in data’ to using information to make better instructional decisions. – Doug Reeves

4 Our Goal: To Increase Student Learning How do we do this? By improving instruction! How (Good teaching) What (Standards) There are two components to improving instruction:

5 Types of Data Team Meetings Laser-focused connected to goals of SIP and reality in your building. Improving Tier One Instruction Looking at Subgroups Subject Areas Tier 2 – Finding Them – Who is not responding to Instruction? Kid – Talk : Problem Solving

6 Table Talk What types of data meetings are you having in your building? How often? Who facilitates them? What action results from them?

7 Teacher Data Team Process 1. Collect/Chart Data 2. Analyze strengths and obstacles 3. Set goal(s) for improvement 4. Determine Instructional strategies 5. Determine results indicators Standards Monitor and Evaluate Results Begin Cycle Step 1 Leadership and Learning Center Data Teams Summit; Beach, FL February, 2011Clearwater

8 Four Recommendations for Getting Started with Data Teams Provide a basic framework for data teams Get people started Start Small Spend time actually talking about instruction and its effect on student performance Focus on the core Be as specific as possible Select a concept or skill that can realistically be taught and assessed over the course of a few weeks Zoom in Complete multiple cycles Adjust process in response to feedback Iterate and refine

9 Table Talk What barriers have you had to overcome in your data meetings? Discuss what things you put in place to overcome these barriers.

10 Examples of Data Team Meetings: Reading Running Record Levels – Divide students up in to categories based on their proficiency. What instructional strategies will we use for each group? Oral Reading Fluency – Slow Accurate/Slow inaccurate/ OGL FAIR data – Use decision trees – divide into boxes 1-3, 2-4, etc. Math Item analysis – standards not mastered Performance Tasks – what do we need to change about instruction (keeping to fidelity of task administration) Math Facts Teacher Created Assessments Other Bubble Kids for Enrichment/Extended Thinking Intervention Students – Who is not responding? Kid Talk – struggling students Writing Scores Triple banger students Talk at your table…..what other ways…..

11 DATA: The Way of Our Work LET’S REVISIT THIS What do students need to know and be able to do? Standards-Based Instruction How will we know that students were taught standards? Instruction – Adult behavior How will we know if students are responding to Standard-Based Instruction? Student behavior - assessments and ‘look-fors’ in student work/learning What will we do if they already know it or don’t learn it? differentiate, intervene

12 WALK-THROUGHS Table Talk What barriers have you overcome in your walk-throughs? How often do you do them? How do you provide feedback?

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