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Introducing the RSP Chris Yates, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing the RSP Chris Yates, University of Wales, Aberystwyth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing the RSP Chris Yates, University of Wales, Aberystwyth

2 Introducing the Repositories Support Project 2 “The Repository Support Project is a JISC funded 2.5 year project to co-ordinate and deliver good practice and practical advice to English and Welsh HEIs to enable the implementation, management and development of digital institutional repositories” Mission Statement The project is being led by SHERPA - University of Nottingham University of Wales Aberystwyth UKOLN at the University of Bath University of Southampton Digital Curation Centre Lead/Partners Partners represent key centres of expertise regarding repositories

3 What were hoping to achieve through the RSP? 3 Increase repository capacity The RSP will provide guidance and advice to the whole UK sector with a view to: Increase repository awareness within institutions Increase institutional knowledge and skills in the repository domain The aim: Wider take-up and development of institutional repositories in HEIs A deployed network of inter-working repositories for academic papers, learning materials and research data Allow institutions to manage their assets, showcase research output and share learning material

4 Why the RSP? 4 Isn’t there already expertise within institutions when implementing repositories? - Yes, some institutions are in the advanced stages of establishing well managed repositories Despite this, the widespread deployment of repositories is still patchy Many institutions do not have the expertise, resources or confidence to address the repository agenda Principal aim of the RSP - increase the pace of institutional repository adoption By providing practical assistance and advice on embedding existing repositories within institutional strategies provide clear decision paths succinct guidance notes hands-on support Initially targeting institutions who are yet to take the first step Providing an outreach programme of advice and information

5 The RSP Role 5 Consultation with the repositories community & JISC programme managers - Ensuring institutions can be effectively supported whatever their repository type or stage of maturity - Databank of expertise, know-how and best practice - Different views for target audiences and repository types, tailored to specific needs Technical: software selection and installation, technologies, metadata, interoperability Organisational: staffing, business requirements and incentives, copyright clearance and digital rights management Repository management: policies, workflows, archiving and preservation Advocacy: advocating to different stakeholders and advising on advocacy within institutions

6 The RSP in Wales 6 UWA will act as the Welsh hub for the RSP The principal aim of the RSP in Wales will be to act as a catalyst for the rapid development of a centrally co-ordinated, collaborative network of institutional repositories More repositories More content in repositories of different types More use of that content by researchers More re-use of that content by service providers offering innovative services Wide-spread acceptance and use of standards-based approach to repository development and use How does this differ from the English counterparts? - Strong collaborative structures within a small HE sector provide opportunities for a more managed and integrated approach to repository development than is feasible in England

7 How is the RSP working for you within Wales? 7 With the aim of ensuring every HEI in Wales has a functional, populated repository based upon a centrally supported, bilingual, open source platform Enquiry services Regional and national events -Allowing easy contact with the RSP and to receive rapid responses to their specific enquiry (telephone, web forms or email) -Blog/Wiki -Organised events, RSP summer school -Subject-specific academic conferences

8 How is the RSP working for you within Wales? 8 Translation budget for key software and documentation Welsh Repositories Network hardware procurement £4,000 per institution for hardware procurement to aid repository implementation Technical Support Site visits Support for DSpace & EPrints Support Seminars Support Documentation Welsh HEIs will receive 3 or 4 visits per year by project staff Jackie Knowles – Chris Yates – Stuart Lewis–

9 DSpace Bilingual Interface 9

10 10

11 DSpace Bilingual Interface 11

12 What’s next for the RSP? 12 Summer School Site Visits Hardware Procurement for Welsh Institutions Continued support and advice Continued Advocacy!

13 Contact Us 13 Project Manager Bill Hubbard ( Project Manager (Wales) Stuart Lewis ( UKOLN & DCC Rachel Heery ( University of Southampton Les Carr ( Website: Email:

14 Thank you for listening! 14 Any Questions?

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