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LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project RCT/CTP7 Readout Isobel Ojalvo, U. Wisconsin Level-1 Trigger Meeting June 4, 2015 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting:

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Presentation on theme: "LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project RCT/CTP7 Readout Isobel Ojalvo, U. Wisconsin Level-1 Trigger Meeting June 4, 2015 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting:"— Presentation transcript:

1 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project RCT/CTP7 Readout Isobel Ojalvo, U. Wisconsin Level-1 Trigger Meeting June 4, 2015 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 1

2 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project  RCT Readout is a key component of the Stage-1 Upgrade as documented and approved by CMS through reviews (e.g. EDR, Nov. 2013).  Documented in backup slides  RCT Readout is a key deliverable for the US CMS project as approved by the US funding agencies and CMS management through multiple reviews.  US CMS management is held strictly accountable for these deliverables and has to explain delays  RCT Readout is very important for continued successful operation of the Legacy and Stage-1 Trigger systems.  Its information content has already proven valuable  More information on the following slides. 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 2 Introduction

3 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project  RCT Monitoring and Validation for Operations  RCT needs its DAQ like all other subsystems  Provides independent check of RCT  Can validate in local without impacting downstream systems in global  Motivation reviewed and accepted by CMS, US CMS in original project  Descoped in 2008 with CMS, US CMS agreement to restore in next upgrade  RCT Monitoring necessary for  Routine validation of RCT status for runs  Noisy channel masking  Dead channel ID and masking  Pileup monitoring (new for Stage-1)  Automatic Configuration of data collection  Plot renewal taken care of in a uniform fashion across sub-detectors => Easier to correlate data for debugging  Always available for Read Out Checks  Centralized Location  Added Level 1 diagnostic capabilities benefit ECAL/HCAL, GCT, Layer-2 o More comprehensive internal diagnostics of Level 1 available to all => Less Down Time!! 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 3 RCT Readout Motivation

4 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 4 RCT Readout Status  Most FW details implemented in November 2015  Testing with central DAQ was put on hold  Resumed testing in April all the way to FEROL  Data packets debugged fully using Ethernet DAQ  Successful high rate (>150 kHz) tests completed  SW for unpacking mostly implemented for Ethernet DAQ  Already used for commissioning (later slides)  To Do  Commission the last DAQ stage of FED 1350  Complete implementation of offline unpacker SW o Almost entirely RCT group offline work o Does not impact P5 operations

5 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project  CTP7 DAQ runs in the RCT TCDS partition  The CTP7 FW has been fully adapted to existing RCT TCDS configuration  Only change: configure to emit OC0 B- Go command (Orbit Counter Reset)  Configurable Read Out Window:  5 BX Configurable Read Out Window  CTP7/RCT readout was timed in at the very first opportunity with the first collisions – May 28 th 2015 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 5 RCT/CTP7 Readout Design Plan ±2 BX

6 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project CTP7 DAQ Firmware  Event Read out in one packet in firmware using six 32 bit words per link per BX  Remember: RCT has a 9 BX offset between Regions and E/G  This offset is adjusted for in firmware  CTP7 FW Features:  Input Link Alignment performed in FW  AMC13 backplane/DAQ link initialization and resynchronization CTP7 DAQ Firmware Configuration  Set Two Run-time parameters  DAQ pipeline FIFO delay (to align readout)  Readout Window length [1-5 BX]  All other Firmware Configuration taken care of IN Firmware  Simple matter of sending a single message to the CTP7 to configure  Mechanics already tested extensively at P5 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 6 RCT/CTP7 Readout Description

7 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project Where has the CTP7 already proven valuable?  RCT pattern tests for RCT 2015 Commissioning 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 7 RCT Readout: 2015 Commissioning December 12 2014

8 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project Where has the CTP7 already proven valuable?  Single Tower Pattern Tests for Layer-2/GT Test Crate Commissioning  One Hot Tower per 64 BX repeated pattern  Rate checked in GT -> next moved to more interesting MC 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 8 RCT Readout: Stage-1 Commissioning Feb 16 2015

9 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project Where has the CTP7 already proven valuable?  HF Commissioning 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 9 RCT Readout: HF commissioning Full Zero Bias Orbit Scan HF configured to send one High PT Event per Orbit… Zero Bias Scan with collisions May 28 2015 May 25 2015

10 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project  First Collisions! (May 28 th 2015) SpyDAQ L1A Captures 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 10 RCT Readout: First Collisions

11 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project  First Collisions! (May 28 th 2015) Zero Bias  LHC had 1 BX Filled  9 BX Offset for Raw Input Capture (regions/EM) 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 11 RCT Readout: First Collisions

12 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project What’s Tested?  Complete DAQ chain in CTP7 FW extensively tested at 904/P5  Data captured at L1A from read out through spyDAQ  Extensively tested with FEROL at 904  Unpacker tested with L1A spyDAQ Ethernet readout  Tested at P5 extensively with collision data  Simple matter of adding to the DQM chain 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 12 RCT Readout Commissioning Plan

13 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project  RCT/CTP7 FED 1350 needs to be enabled in the cDAQ SW infrastructure  Hardware is in place  This is a ‘standard request’ to the DAQ group o Simple change in configuration  TTS signal needs to be enabled for the RCT TCDS partition Integration with official DQM  Data decoding already tested in real time using Spy DAQ  This is a standard request to the TCDS group  Existing RCT/CTP7 Unpacker Integration with online DQM needs to be completed  This is mostly RCT group **offline** work  Does not impact P5 operations  Having tested RCT/CTP7 readout chain extensively at 904 and at P5 through spyDAQ captures we are confident commissioning will proceed smoothly with only possible minor hiccups  No major requests to any external groups; only major action items left are for SW developers in the RCT group 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 13 RCT Readout Commissioning Plan

14 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project  DAQ Group  Enable RCT/CTP7 FED 1350 cDAQ SW infrastructure o Hardware is in place o This is a ‘standard request’ to the DAQ group - simple change in configuration – minimal work  TCDS Group  TTS signal needs to be enabled for the RCT TCDS partition Integration with official DQM o Data decoding already tested in real time using Spy DAQ o This is a standard request to the TCDS group – minimal work  DQM Group  Complete existing RCT/CTP7 Unpacker Integration with online o This is mostly RCT group **offline** work o Does not impact P5 operations – no impact on DQM group  Online and Offline Software Groups  Having tested RCT/CTP7 readout chain extensively at 904 and at P5 through spy DAQ captures we are confident commissioning will proceed smoothly o No major requests to any external groups; only major action items left are for SW developers in the RCT group 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 14 Summary of Workload on L1T groups

15 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project Backup Slides 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 15

16 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project CTP7 RCT Readout in Stage-1 EDR November 2013 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 16

17 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project CTP7 RCT Readout in Stage-1 EDR November 2013 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 17

18 LHC CMS Detector Upgrade Project RCT Readout in Stage-1 Spec. EDR Documentation, November, 2013 4 June 2015, Isobel Ojalvo Trigger Meeting: RCT Readout 18 Page 7:

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