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Section 1: Mission Overview Mission Statement Mission Objectives Expected Results System Modifications Functional Block Diagrams 2.

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2 Section 1: Mission Overview Mission Statement Mission Objectives Expected Results System Modifications Functional Block Diagrams 2

3 Section 2: Subsystem Test Reports Subsystems Overview Structural System (STR) Piezoelectric Actuator System (PEA) Electrical Power System (EPS) Visual Verification System (VVS) Section 3: Conclusions Plans for Integration Lessons Learned 3


5 Develop and test a system that will use piezoelectric materials to convert mechanical vibrational energy into electrical energy to trickle charge on-board power systems. 5

6 Demonstrate feasibility of power generation via piezoelectric effect under Terrier-Orion flight conditions Determine optimal piezoelectric material for energy conversion in this application Classify relationships between orientation of piezoelectric actuators and output voltage Data will benefit future RockSAT and CubeSAT missions as a potential source of power Data will be used for feasibility study 6

7 Piezoelectric beam array will harness enough vibrational energy to generate and store voltage sufficient to power satellite systems Anticipate output of 130 mV per piezo strip, based on preliminary testing. Success dependent on following factors: Permittivity of piezoelectric material Mechanical stress, which is related to the amplitude of vibrations Frequency of vibrations 7

8 8 Implemented latching relay for g-switch Added additional 9V battery to power camera


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11 11 All PEA subsystem components fit successfully on lower flight deck No interference with VVS components Electronics fit successfully on upper flight deck

12 12 Overall Height: 4.5 inches Overall Weight (including electronics): 2.42 lb CG: X = -0.01, Y = 0.27, Z = 0.10 in. Canister Sharing with Temple Method of Integration: standoffs Min. Required Standoff Clearance: 1.0 inch Combined Weight: 7.06 lb (based on designs) Combined CG: pending final designs from Temple CG to be adjusted with systematic ballast placement

13 13 Written integration procedure: in progress Full parts list: compiled Spare parts: procurement in progress Action Items More regular interface with Temple Final construction of BETA


15 15 PEA I Camera Rectifier + Capacitor PEA II Rectifier + Capacitor Accelerometer II Rectifier + Capacitor Rectifier + Capacitor Rectifier + Capacitor PEA III PEA IV 9V Battery G-Switch Wallops New / updated part Internal Memory Internal Memory LED Array 9V Battery SD Card Memory SD Card Memory Accelerometer I Arduino Microcontroller Power connection Data connection Legend

16 16 All electronics performed favorably Integration went smoothly Activation system still in need of latching relay Mechanical solution introduces a troubling single point of failure Once activated, closes circuit until reset Currently on order

17 17 A bit messy…let’s take a closer look… Conclusion

18 18 Pendulum beam generates highest voltage followed by diving board orientation; balance beam lowest (low G’s?) 5V Reference Input Observations

19 19 High-load vibration testing needed to fully characterize correlation between voltage output and acceleration (Wallops) Conclusion

20 20 As acceleration in beam oriented direction increases, generated voltage also increases!!! It works!!! Z-Axis Acceleration Observations

21 21 Before full system test: ~ 9.3 V Voltage after full system test: ~ 8.1 V ΔV over 30-minute test: ~ 1.2 V Estimated operation time until failure: 1.5+ hr

22 22 Software is running as planned Data collection rates are solid No inconsistencies


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25 25 Camera wired to 9V Battery Originally running from Arduino 5 V output Moved so Arduino can have its own power source

26 26 Camera will not function on auxiliary battery Works when hooked up to the Li-Ion battery, but not the 9V Odd, since it worked with the 9V power supply during ISTR testing

27 27 Attempted changing resistors in the voltage regulator circuit Resistor ratio (R2/R1) = 1.96 2.2/1.2, V = 3.7 V (It worked this time!) 3.5/1.5, V = 4.5 V (It worked for a little while this time) 7.35 / 3.7, NOTHING Voltage going into circuit is too high? 9 V, perhaps drop to 5 V? Currently coming out of circuit at 4.5 V or higher


29 29 STR & PEA Finish any machining for BETA supports, mounts, etc. Laser-cut BETA decks Reconstruction – estimated completion date: 4/29/2012 EPS Vibe testing at Wallops to determine actual accelerations from test data Latching relay to be integrated this week; clean up wiring VVS Don’t burn the camera…yet Determine voltage issue Integration Communicate with Temple…

30 30 Camera Latching relay Spotty communication with Temple


32 Kyle Dooley for assistance with electronics and circuitry troubleshooting Dan Lofaro for lending us his precision solder kit 32


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