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Latin & Greek Roots Unit 6. SOMN  From the Latin word ‘somnus’ Sleep.

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1 Latin & Greek Roots Unit 6

2 SOMN  From the Latin word ‘somnus’ Sleep

3 Words from “somnus” (sleep)  Somnolent Adjective; Drowsy; sleepy The already somnolent professor found that sitting through a slow afternoon of student presentations was agonizing. Synonym: drowsyantonym: alert

4 SOPOR  From the Latin word ‘sopor’ Sleep

5 Words from “sopor” (sleep)  Soporific Adjective; Causing sleep or fatigue Although we had been promised that the play would “astonish and amaze” us, we found the whole thing rather soporific.

6 Words from “sopor” (sleep)  Sopor Noun; Sleep; drowsiness Tim explained that his sopor was a result of the medicine given to him by the dentist, not a lack of interest.

7 LANG  From the Latin word ‘languere’ To be weak, be faint

8 Words from “LANG” (to be weak)  Languid Adjective; Lacking energy; weak In response to James’ voice, the sick dog was still able to give a languid wag of its tail. Synonym: tiredAntonym: active

9 Words from “LANG” (to be weak)  Languish Verb; To waste away Bernard feared that if he was not granted parole, he would languish in prison for the rest of his life. Synonym: weaken

10 Words from “LANG” (to be weak)  Languor Noun; Lack of physical or mental energy The heat wave that the city had been experiencing for three weeks left residents in a state of languor. Synonym: listlessness, lethargy

11 VIG  From the Latin word ‘vigil’ Watchful

12 Words from “vigil” (watchful)  Vigilant Adjective; On the alert; watchful Having grown up in a tough neighborhood, Byron was known for keeping a vigilant eye on everything around him. Synonym: aware

13 Words from “vigil” (watchful)  Vigilante Noun; Someone who takes law enforcement into his or her own hands A number of mothers in the community decided that the police were not doing enough to combat teen violence, so they used vigilante tactics to clean up the neighborhood.

14 QUIES  From the Latin word ‘quiescere’, ‘quietus’ To rest

15 Words from “quies” (to rest)  Acquiesce Verb; To consent or comply passively or without protest Geraldine finally acquiesced to her teacher’s request to remain silent during the testing period. Synonym: submit; accede Antonym: resist

16 Words from “quies” (to rest)  Requiem Noun; A song or religious service for the dead or lost Verdi composed a moving requiem about Romeo and Juliet. Synonym:elegy

17 Words from “quies” (to rest)  Quittance Noun; A repayment; compensation After weeks of negotiation, the company finally allowed Jorge a quittance for his work.

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