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G RIEF AND S UICIDE. T HE GRIEVING PROCESS  5 stages of grieving process  Denial: gives you a chance to think  Anger: normal (anger management)  Bargaining:

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Presentation on theme: "G RIEF AND S UICIDE. T HE GRIEVING PROCESS  5 stages of grieving process  Denial: gives you a chance to think  Anger: normal (anger management)  Bargaining:"— Presentation transcript:


2 T HE GRIEVING PROCESS  5 stages of grieving process  Denial: gives you a chance to think  Anger: normal (anger management)  Bargaining: promise to change  Depression: short term is normal  Acceptance: learn how to live with the loss Grief – express deep sadness because of loss

3 F UNERALS, W AKES, AND M EMORIAL S ERVICES  Purpose: Help the family get through the grieving process.  Funeral – ceremony in which deceased person is buried.  Wake – view or watch over deceased person before funeral.  Memorial Service – ceremony to remember the deceased.

4 Loss can cause stress. C OPING WITH L OSS Tension headaches, increase in blood pressure, irritable, confused, stress related illness. What are some physical and emotional effects of stress?

5 H ELP FOR DEALING WITH LOSS Helping yourself  Get plenty of rest/relaxation but stick to any normal routine  Share memories  Express your feelings  Don’t blame yourself Helping others  Show your support through simple actions  Let the person know you are there for him/her  Tell the person they are strong and will learn to live with the loss

6 A PERMANENT SOLUTION TO A TEMPORARY PROBLEM.  Definition: the act of intentionally taking one’s life  Why is suicide an uncomfortable topic?  What are some myths or facts about suicide? Words that warn: “I wish I were dead.” “I just want to go to sleep & never wake up.” “I won’t be a problem for you much longer.” “I can’t take it anymore.” “This pain will be over soon.” “Nothing matters.” SUICIDE:

7 F ACTS ABOUT SUICIDE  Many people who consider suicide only do so for a brief period in their life  Most people who have attempted and failed are usually grateful to be alive  Suicide has many warning signs  Use of drugs/alcohol can put people at risk because of impaired judgment

8 F ACTS ABOUT S UICIDE C ONT.  3 rd leading cause of death for ages 15 – 24  More women attempt suicide and more men commit suicide

9 W ARNING SIGNS FOR SUICIDE  Feeling hopeless  Withdrawing from family and friends  Neglecting basic needs  Experiencing loss of energy  Taking more risks  Using alcohol and drugs  Giving away personal things

10 G IVING AND G ETTING H ELP  Take all talk of suicide seriously  Tell your friend suicide is not the answer  Change negative thoughts into positive ones  Don’t keep a secret

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