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“Does Jesus Care?” Luke 7:11 – 17. “Does Jesus Care?” Does Jesus Care When My Heart Is Pained Too Deeply For Mirth Or Song As The Burdens Press And The.

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Presentation on theme: "“Does Jesus Care?” Luke 7:11 – 17. “Does Jesus Care?” Does Jesus Care When My Heart Is Pained Too Deeply For Mirth Or Song As The Burdens Press And The."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Does Jesus Care?” Luke 7:11 – 17

2 “Does Jesus Care?” Does Jesus Care When My Heart Is Pained Too Deeply For Mirth Or Song As The Burdens Press And The Cares Distress And The Way Grows Weary And Long? O Yes, He Cares, I Know He Cares, His Heart Is Touched With My Grief When The Days Are Weary The Long Night Dreary I Know My Savior Cares

3 “Does Jesus Care?” Does Jesus Care When My Way Is Dark With A Nameless Dread And Fear? As The Daylight Fades Into Deep Night Shades Does He Care Enough To Hear? O Yes, He Cares, I Know He Cares, His Heart Is Touched With My Grief When The Days Are Weary The Long Night Dreary I Know My Savior Cares

4 “Does Jesus Care?” Does Jesus Care When I’ve Tried And Failed To Resist Some Temptation Strong When For My Deep Grief There Is No Relief Though My Tears Flow All The Night Long? O Yes, He Cares, I Know He Cares, His Heart Is Touched With My Grief When The Days Are Weary The Long Night Dreary I Know My Savior Cares

5 “Does Jesus Care?” Does Jesus Care When I’ve Said “Goodbye” To The Dearest On Earth To Me And My Sad Heart Aches Till It Nearly Breaks Is It Aught To Him? Does He See? O Yes, He Cares, I Know He Cares, His Heart Is Touched With My Grief When The Days Are Weary The Long Night Dreary I Know My Savior Cares

6 1. What Is Grief? “Grief is an overwhelming feeling of sorrow, pain, regret, and sadness. We feel as if our hearts are broken – that nothing will ever be the same – that happiness will never be possible again. Grief is a normal response to the loss of any significant person, object, or opportunity, such as, the death of a loved/friend, death of a pet, divorce, job/church change, financial setback, child leaving home, etc.” Genesis 50:1; John 11:35

7 2. The Importance Of Grieving “A grieving person must allow him or herself to face and experience his or her grief in order to begin the journey toward healing.” Matthew 5:4 Genesis 50:3

8 3. The Stages Of Grief 1. Shock/Numbness And Denial 2. Pain And Guilt 3. Depression And Bargaining 4. Anger And Anxiety 5. Reflection And Loneliness 6. Reconstruction And Working Through 7. Acceptance And Hope Psalm 13

9 4. How Can We Help Others Who Are Grieving? 1. Be There (Job2:13) 2. Listen (James 1:19) 3. Use God’s Word To Comfort (Romans 15:4; Psalm 116:15; Revelation 14:13) 4. Help The Person Face His Or Her Feelings (Galatian 6:2) 5. Pray (James 5:16)

10 How Do I Become A Christian Or Be Restored? To Obey The Gospel Hear Him (Romans 10:17) Believe Him (Mark 16:16) Repent Of Sins Against Him (Acts 2:38) Confess Him (Acts 8:37) Be Baptized Into Him (Acts 22:16) Live For Him (Galatians 2:20) To Be Restored Come Back To Him (Matthew 11:28-30) Repent (Acts 8:22) Pray (James 5:16)

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