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Assessment Using Assessment to improve education Carroll County Schools: A Champion for Kids.

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1 Assessment Using Assessment to improve education Carroll County Schools: A Champion for Kids

2 Remember what you felt like to take a test, or how do you feel when you are getting ready to take a test? It is sometimes said that assessment is something we do to students? Carroll County Schools: A Champion for Kids

3 Why assess? – Give a grade – Find out where a student is in the learning continuum. – Provide Feedback – Monitor growth Carroll County Schools: A Champion for Kids

4 Formative Assessment – Assessment for Learning – It’s the physical Allows the doctor to prescribe a medicine, workout, diet to improve a persons health. In the same way formative assessment used appropriately allows for teachers to prescribe a remedy to the problem. Cannot wait until a major event happens before we assess. Carroll County Schools: A Champion for Kids

5 Types of formative assessment – Exit Slip – Clickers – Paper/Pencil – Short Answer – Performance Should be quick and at a certain point of instruction to make sure that students are where they need to be. Tells students about themselves Carroll County Schools: A Champion for Kids

6 What about grades: – Formative Assessments are not for grades, they can be put in grade book, but it should be used as a reading much like a temperature. – Formative Assessments are information for the teacher and student to determine the next stage for each student in the learning process. Carroll County Schools: A Champion for Kids

7 Assign a grade – 50, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 – Is the average the best grade for the student – This students average is a 67% Carroll County Schools: A Champion for Kids

8 Summative Assessment – Assessment of Learning – It is the autopsy. Too late to prescribe medicine, your dead. – In education it is the final exam, could be the unit exam, state testing. – It is for parents, policy makers, administrators. – Did learning take place? Carroll County Schools: A Champion for Kids

9 What do they look like? – Pages upon pages – Performance events (Speech, Play, Experiment….) – Bubble sheets Carroll County Schools: A Champion for Kids

10 Summative Assessments are used to assign a grade. They serve a different purpose than formative. A good teacher finds the balance. As students are learning we measure where they are and at the end of the learning we see what they have learned, however, a teacher should already know before the summative is given. Tells others about students Carroll County Schools: A Champion for Kids

11 Balance is also important in the types of assessment. Not just paper and pencil. What does the standard call for. Dribbling a basketball is not a paper/pencil assessment. Playing Beethoven is not paper/pencil, you have to hear or see them do it. Carroll County Schools: A Champion for Kids

12 Have to have paper pencil to see if they are gaining the knowledge, but many times we stop here rather than see the application. Balance and the genius of and vs. or. Carroll County Schools: A Champion for Kids

13 Moving Forward We will continue to train our staff on the use of balanced assessment. – Measure growth – Fits the standard Rigor and type It is a process, it will take time. Carroll County Schools: A Champion for Kids

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