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Course Report Presentation Semester 1 (1435-1436) Instructor: Instructor’s Name King Faisal University College of ……………

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Presentation on theme: "Course Report Presentation Semester 1 (1435-1436) Instructor: Instructor’s Name King Faisal University College of ……………"— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Report Presentation Semester 1 (1435-1436) Instructor: Instructor’s Name King Faisal University College of ……………

2 Course Information Summarize the contents from Section A of the Course Report Course Title Course Code, Section Credit Hour Contact HourLecture: Lab: Self Study: Initial Enrollment

3 Review of Course Delivery Course Coverage (Justify any variation of course coverage and their consequences; Explain remedial actions) Course Outcome Assessments (Justify assessment methods and their effectiveness; analyze and justify the assessment results) Recommend actions for improving teaching strategies 1. I suggest.. 2. I would like to.. Summarize the contents from Section B of the Course Report

4 Enrollment Statistics and Result Summary Summarize the contents from Section C of the Course Report Quizzes: 15% Mid Term: 20% Final: 35% Lab: 10Project: 15%Participation: 5 % Grade TableGrade Chart Alphabetic Grade Number of Students Percentage A+ 0 0% A 0 B+ 1 9% B 4 18% C+ 5 27% C 3 36% D+ 3 9% D 3 0% F 0 Total19 100% Number of students starting the course: 10 Number of students completing the course: 0

5 Enrollment and Result Review ◦In this slide, please describe or justify ◦Number of students failed, withdrawn or could not complete the course and why ◦The factors affecting the students performance and possible solutions ◦Any variations in assessment schedule and assessment policy from what is specified in Course Specification ◦Initiative to verification of standard of achievements using alternative means Summarize the contents from Section C of the Course Report

6 Resource, Facility and Admin Issues ◦Difficulties in accessing resources and facilities and their impacts on course delivery. Proposed work around or requests for support from the department/college/university ◦Administrative difficulties and their impacts – proposed solution – requested support ◦Feedback on the appropriateness/evaluation of textbooks, references, lab wares and other materials used, proposal to update resource materials (textbooks, etc.) ◦Feedback on student advising conducted, how it contributed to the course delivery and what are the difficulties encountered and proposed solutions Summarize the contents from Section D and E of the Course Report

7 Course Evaluation Result ◦Describe the student evaluation result and other evaluations done (like peer evaluation) with emphasis on the suggestions for improvement. ◦Give a reaction or response to the evaluation result. Summarize the contents from Section F of the Course Report

8 Course Improvement Plan - Review ◦A list of past proposal and actions taken for improvement of the course delivery can be listed here. ◦Wide range of issues relating to both academic (course content, outcomes, textbooks, prerequisite, assessment policy, etc.) and non-academic (resources and facilities, administrative obstacles, etc.) matters can be discussed. Summarize the contents from Section G of the Course Report

9 Course Improvement Plan - Proposal ◦A list of new proposal and action plans for continuous improvement of the course delivery can be listed here for the next offering. Such proposals and actions needs to be followed up by the department for subsequent delivery of the course. ◦Wide range of issues relating to both academic (course content, outcomes, textbooks, prerequisite, assessment policy, etc.) and non-academic (resources and facilities, administrative obstacles, etc.) matters can be discussed. Summarize the contents from Section G of the Course Report

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