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7th Grade Social Studies Open House 2012-2013 Mrs. Jacobs.

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2 7th Grade Social Studies Open House 2012-2013 Mrs. Jacobs

3 Tonight’s Agenda About the Teacher Curriculum Outline Expectations Questions

4 B.s. in Sociology & Social Work – Utah State University Masters Degree in Secondary Education Students learn by independent practice, reflecting, teaching, working with others, and group discussions. Parents play a vital role in helping their child succeed!!

5 First Quarter Geography: Types of Maps and parts of maps History: Era of Slavery to Civil War Economics: Introduction and applications Government: Types of Government and US Constitution/Amendments. ELECTIONS!

6 Second Quarter History-Reconstruction to Industrial Revolution Government-Elections

7 Third Quarter History: World War 1 to the Great Depression.

8 Fourth Quarter Economics-Personal Finance History: Beginning of World War 2

9 Expectations  Attentive Listening  Attentive Listening – Pay close attention to one another’s thoughts, ideas, opinions, and feelings.  Appreciation/No Put-downs  Appreciation/No Put-downs – Treat others kindly; appreciate everyone’s unique qualities, gifts, skills, and contributions; avoid negative remarks, name-calling, hurtful gestures, and behaviors.  Mutual Respect  Mutual Respect –Respect students’ rights, needs, and differences.

10 Absences & Late Work Students are responsible for obtaining make-up work. After an absence, if a student fails to request or complete any missed work, they will receive a zero for the particular assignment. ScoresScores will be reduced for each day an assignment is late. Usually, after one week, late work will not be accepted.

11 Communication Check agendas for homework. Students are to get it signed every Friday for homework. Let me know what is happening with your child or in your family so that I can support the individual needs of my students. Voicemail at school 480.883.5746

12 Thanks for Coming!

13 One More Thing: If you would like to donate boxes of tissue, box of wet wipes, or bottle of hand sanitizer it would be greatly appreciated!

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