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Faculté Espo Academic year 2014 – 2015 Prof. Dr. Ingrid Molderez, Brussel Drs. Isolde Boutsen, Université Saint-Louis Faculty of Economics.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculté Espo Academic year 2014 – 2015 Prof. Dr. Ingrid Molderez, Brussel Drs. Isolde Boutsen, Université Saint-Louis Faculty of Economics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculté Espo Academic year 2014 – 2015 Prof. Dr. Ingrid Molderez, KULeuven@Campus Brussel Drs. Isolde Boutsen, Université Saint-Louis Faculty of Economics & Business Sciences 1

2 Mission of Marais-Meyboom: To give more visibility to this cluster and its role of stimulating the Brussels region and the surrounding area; To improve the accessibility and mobility within the area; To become an important partner for promoting the attractiveness, safety, and quality of the area; To further cooperation and exchange of services. Institut Bischoffsheim The K U – Louis project drew inspiration from the Marais-Meyboom project. Marais-Meyboom unites 7 organizations in a cluster of education, research, and care. They are all situated in and around the Broekstraat. 2

3 Project:  Develop a vision for the street and the surrounding neighborhood based on sustainable development and/or social responsibility.  Show your result during an exhibition Idea 3

4 Who are these students? KULeuven@Brussel Masters Environmental, Health and Safety Management, Masters Commercial Engineers, and Erasmus students following CSR at the Faculty Economics & Business Sciences, (co-ordinated by Dr. Ingrid Molderez). Université Saint-Louis “Bachelor 3 Nederlands“ of the Faculty “Sciences Economiques, Sociales, Politiques et de la Communication” van USL-B (co-ordinated by Drs. Isolde Boutsen). Idea 4

5 Broekstraat and surrounding area: -At first sight: not so attractive -Limited open space -Limited (social) activities -Lots of traffic Location 5

6 BUT: a lot of possibilities! 6

7 Broekstraat and surrounding area: a lot of possibilities! -Students -Local residents -Lots of commuters -Several cultural, youth, and tourist organizations Location 7

8 Create synergies between the different stakeholders of the Broekstraat and surrounding area Aim of the project 8

9 Groups of (4-5) students from diverse disciplines and backgrounds (culture, language) work together. Three components: 1.Field research 2.Creating a design project satisfying criteria of sustainability/social responsibility and cooperation 3.Exhibition of the design project (poster, maquette, file…) Methodology 9

10 1.Joint meeting 2.Workshop: 'Creativity & out of the box thinking’ by Nico Storme, Friday 31th October, 10h30-12h30 (Eng) 3.Exhibition in Congres Recyclart: Exhibition of design projects Vernissage: Thursday 18th December starting at 17h00; The exhibition until 15th January 2015 Actions 10

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17 Questions? 17

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