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Phases of Training Key Concept 5 Planning and implementing training in pursuit of personal goals, through phases of training, training cycles and the monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "Phases of Training Key Concept 5 Planning and implementing training in pursuit of personal goals, through phases of training, training cycles and the monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phases of Training Key Concept 5 Planning and implementing training in pursuit of personal goals, through phases of training, training cycles and the monitoring of progress.

2 Periodisation Performance can be improved by varying the training stresses throughout the season rather than maintaining a constant training focus. How Do we achieve this? We divide the year into ‘periods’ and the PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING may vary throughout these periods.

3 Periodisation Programs Training should progress from general to specific (principle of specificity) The program must be tailored to suit the needs/targets/goals of the individual performer.

4 Phases of Training (periods) The season can be split into 3 phases : Preparation (Pre-season) Competition (During the season) Transition (Off season)

5 Preparation (Pre-Season) Focus Return to a regular pattern of targeted training At the beginning of the period the main emphasis is on improving general fitness Once this is achieved, there is a focus on match specific fitness incorporating some technical and mental work through drills and match type situations

6 Competition (During the Season) Focus This period involves maintaining fitness Game/performance commitments take up the majority of time therefore training sessions have to be carefully planned to fit into this busy schedule without causing the performer to become fatigued/injured due to over training. Do you focus on fitness training or skill development? A conditioning approach is effective during this phase. Selecting specific game like routines allows both to be developed at the same time.

7 Transition (Off season) Focus This is the period between the end of the previous season and the beginning of the new season. This is a period of rest and recovery for a performer although some light fitness work may be included to maintain fitness. This could include swimming/cycling as an alternative activity and a basic circuit to keep your fitness ‘ticking’ over.

8 How might training differ between the phases? Preparation- General fitness work being developed to build up endurance e.g. general running/circuit training/particular drills. Competition- Training will focus on improving specific aspects of fitness/skills for competition. Fine tuning of fitness/skills and working on specific strategies would be apparent in this phase compared to the preseason where a more general approach to improving fitness/skills would be apparent e.g. a training programme focussing on improving a particular aspect of fitness which is vital in the game or working on a particular set piece in the game. Transition- An opportunity for the body to recover after competition whilst maintaining a general/reasonable level of fitness. A period of ‘active rest’ e.g. swimming/cycling as an alternative activity

9 Training Cycles Macrocycle Mesocycle Microcycle

10 Macrocycle This involves looking at your long term needs. Setting long term goals and targets. A macrocycle can be a year long season for a footballer/netballer or a 4 year target for a swimmer preparing for the next Olympic games. Long term training plans are longer than 3 months and can last up to 4 years.

11 Mesocycle This involves identifying short-term personal fitness needs and specific training objectives to bring about an improvement over a shorter period e.g. 2-6 weeks. This ‘short term period’ may vary depending on the length of your macrocycle. Microcycle This relates to your immediate training targets. What you hope to achieve over the next week.

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