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Update on Experimental Beampipe Progress Ray Veness For Beampipe project team in AT/VAC and TS/MME With special thanks to: S.Calatroni, W.Cameron, D.Duarte,

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Presentation on theme: "Update on Experimental Beampipe Progress Ray Veness For Beampipe project team in AT/VAC and TS/MME With special thanks to: S.Calatroni, W.Cameron, D.Duarte,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Update on Experimental Beampipe Progress Ray Veness For Beampipe project team in AT/VAC and TS/MME With special thanks to: S.Calatroni, W.Cameron, D.Duarte, G.Foffano, P.Lepeule, A.Rossi, G.Schneider, B.Versolatto

2 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status Contents o ALICE o Bakeout o ATLAS o CMS o LHCb o Beryllium issues o VAX o Gas Injection System o Installation o Outstanding issues o Last status report in Apr ’06 o Updating only on progress since April o Chambers and supports in final stages of production and test o Installation and preparation for commissioning in progress

3 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status ALICE o Central (Beryllium) pipe o NEG coated and ready for installation o Installation and bakeout shell (IBS) complete, but… o Some modifications in progress following integration testing in Torino o RB24 (4 chambers) o ‘Standard’ LSS chambers – being produced o One chamber to be ovalised for insertion in MBWMD o Commissioning Review o Half-day in 12/9/06 with ALICE and VAC o Detailed look at equipment required, schedules and responsibilities o Considered very useful – repeat for other experiments? IBS testing in Torino

4 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status Patch pannel Bakeout racks ? Position and quantity of bakeout racks Total 4 to 5 bakeout racks with 24 channels required 12 m cabling 8 m cabling 9 m cabling 3 m cabling Central beampipe 32 A supply?

5 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status Câbles bakeout Slide by Ch. Le Galliard RB26 cabling

6 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status Bakeout (General) o Permanent bakeout o All chambers in ATLAS, plus ALICE RB26 and part of LHCb UX85-4 have wrapped insulation o Pumping groups at extremities of all experiments and Q1 zone will have permanently installed jackets and thermocouples o Removable bakeout o CMS and ALICE central chambers have specially developed insertable ‘bakeout ovens’ on rails o All other chambers have jackets installed just for commissioning o Decision taken to procure tailor-made jackets wherever possible o Minimised time for an intervention, and reduces chance of errors o Budget from AT-VAC o Procurement advancing well 18m pumping groups for CMS

7 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status ATLAS o VI (beryllium) chamber o Chamber and supports ready for installation o Integration into PIXEL scheduled for mid Nov ’06 o Detailed review of integration in progress with PIXEL community o VA chambers (2 to install) o One chamber ready for installation o One damaged during NEG coating and being re-built. o Spare being completed o Installation of VA inside argon endcap tested o Fixed support tested successfully o All supports delivered Damaged VA chamber VA fixed point test

8 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status ATLAS II o VT chambers (2 to install) o One chamber ready for installation, two (including spare) ready for NEG coating o Jack supports tested and ready o Fixed supports – manufacture launched o VJ chambers (2 to install) o All 3 Chambers copper plated, and under vacuum test in B.927 o Final assembly, insulation wrapping and NEG coating to be done o Cone support and interface plate with TX1S: manufacture in progress VT bakeout wrapping VJ vacuum testing

9 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status CMS o Central (beryllium) pipe o Accepted at CERN o Indications of a leak in the bulk material of ~10 -13 mbar.l.s -1 range o Only visible for few hours after bakeout o Under NEG coating o End cap pipe (2 to install) o 1 chamber NEG coated and ready for installation o 1 chamber uncoated, waiting for full assembly test (no spare end cap pipe) o HF pipes (2 to install) o 3 chambers completed o Under acceptance test at CERN o Cu plating and NEG coating to do o CT2 pipes (2 to install) o 3 chambers completed o Crack in CERN-supplied material detected in 1 chamber downgraded to spare for the moment – repair? o Cu plating and NEG coating to do HF and CT2 vacuum testing

10 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status CMS II o Forward pipes (2 to install) o 3 chambers completed and Cu plated o NEG coating to do o Cantilever support delivered o 18m pumping module (2 to install) o 3 delivered o Final bakeout with integrated instrumentation on-going in B.927

11 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status CMS: Installation of Forward Region? o Advance installation? o CMS propose to advance the installation of the forward region on 54 side o Could start 15/1/07 o Would save time in final installation, not on machine critical path o Would include installation of TAS remote flange, common to CMS and ATLAS o Checking availability of resources and bakeout equipment

12 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status LHCb o VELO window / UX85-1 o Installed o Support and alignment to the beam axis to be done after RICH1 exit window installation o Some leak-tightness issues with VELO tank still remain o UX85-2 o Ready for installation o UX85-3 o Discovered the chamber has been extensively varnished by manufacturer to close porosities in the bulk material o Currently at Geneva airport??, acceptance tests, permanent bakeout and NEG do be done in October o Installation tooling being built Window / UX85-1 installation

13 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status LHCb II o UX85-4 o NEG activation test completed o Ultimate static pressure low 10 -12 mbar o Supports o Main components manufactured o Strength and alignment tests being performed – modifications required o Spare (alu) chambers o Manufacturer had problems with welding qualification o New planning agreed with the supplier: delivery of all chambers by End ’06

14 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status LHCb o Installation planning very tight! o UX85/3 by mid-November... Depending on when the chamber arrives o Followed by UX85/4 and UX85/2, until December o Equipment in front of Q1 must be installed before christmas to avoid conflict with corrector magnet commissioning o Commissioning in Feb-Mar 2007 UX85/3 support test in B.927

15 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status Beryllium Porosity o Porosity in machined thin-walled chambers o Conceptual issue for chamber machined from powder metallurgical materials o Porosity was looked-for in prototypes from both Russia and USA, but not encountered o LHCb (Russian) chambers o Manufacturer now accept that leaks of ~10 -7 mbar.l.s -1 were seen in the largest section of UX85-3 due to use of ‘non-UHV’ grade o Diameter exceeded size available in the UHV grade o Extensively varnished by the supplier to repair leaks without informing CERN o ALICE, ATLAS, CMS (USA) chambers o Stable leaks in the range 10 -13 mbar.l.s -1 range in ALICE and CMS o Will not impact performance if stable o Supplier is embarking on an internal investigation with a view to improving material specification for any future chambers o Supplier is upgrading EB welding equipment to prevent the problems seen in this manufacture

16 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status Spare Beryllium Section o Solution o Re-fit of the prototype 60mm diameter section by the supplier, adding a stainless steel transition o 1.1 m of beryllium o Can be transformed into a spare chamber for ALICE, ATLAS or CMS by the addition of stainless steel sections at CERN o Status o Order being placed o 3-4 months delivery

17 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status VAX o VAX (8 to install) o Components complete o Bodies delivered to B.927 o All instrumentation delivered o RGAs being calibratred o Integration of vacuum instrumentation onto body and testing starting

18 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status Gas Injection System o Gas injection system o All components delivered o Assembly of series in progress o Procedures being reviewed in group o Details of procedures being finalised on set-up in B.113 o This will be a very delicate operation! o Integration into the experimental areas in progress o Requires vacuum fired connections with NEG strip and permanent bakeout equipment o Pipework for ALICE and LHCb under manufacture GIS test in B.113

19 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status Beampipe Installation and Teams 200520062007 ALICE ATLAS CMS LHCb Principal installation team Secondary team Virtually no more margin! RB26CP RB24 VI on surface ?

20 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status Outstanding Issues o Production issues o LHCb UX85-3 chamber (and spare) critical for installation o Need to treat as top priority at CERN (test, NEG coat) o CERN workshops are overloaded o Some components (VAX, pumping modules) have been delayed several months o Delivery dates for the few remaining new jobs are very long, and all priorities must be strongly defended – any ‘spares’ are difficult to justify o Urgent modifications following final testing o UX85-3 support, ALICE IBS o Gas injection system needs to be ready for ALICE bakeout o Services o Detailing and installation of services for instrumentation and bakeout are generally progressing well o Readyness reviews for LHCb, ATLAS and CMS?

21 26 IX 06LEMIC Beampipe Status Outstanding Issues II o Installation o Resources o Additional FSU for 2 nd installation team now operational o 2 installation teams still an upper limit for reasons of competences o Milestones o Machine requires experimental sectors to be commissioned by End July ’07 o Therefore ATLAS and CMS installations must start in ~April ’06 o Resource limitations mean ALICE and LHCb must be commissioned by March ’07, or machine milestone will slip! o ATLAS Endcap Toroid delay means beampipe installation schedule needs review o Interference with other activities o Corrector magnet commissioning in IR 2 and 8 o Availability of triplet magnets and cooldown schedules – IR2 and 8 o Post-commissioning activities o Machine access will be maintained until [October ’07?] o Need a schedule from experiments in this period o Open-closed-vacuum-gas? o Expected dates o Plan resources required for vacuum system

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