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In what ways can we prepare for things that might (or will) come our way? When have you or someone you know been able to take advantage of an opportunity.

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Presentation on theme: "In what ways can we prepare for things that might (or will) come our way? When have you or someone you know been able to take advantage of an opportunity."— Presentation transcript:


2 In what ways can we prepare for things that might (or will) come our way? When have you or someone you know been able to take advantage of an opportunity or withstand a difficult time because you, or they, were prepared?

3 When has not being prepared caused a problem or difficulty for you or someone you know? What were the circumstances?

4 In today’s lesson we will see how Job responded to testing, and how his faithfulness in serving God day by day built a strong foundation that would allow him to endure great trials and great suffering.

5 When It All Comes Crashing Down Job 1:1–2:3 family theme: When Life Falls Apart family theme: When Life Falls Apart

6 Know: Heartache, difficulties, and tragedy interrupted Job’s life. He grieved, but stayed faithful to God. Think: Be aware there is a spiritual battle taking place over you. You gain a victory every time you remain faithful to God. Objectives:

7 Do: Keep trusting God when your circumstances overwhelm you. When you question “why” and don’t understand, trust that God knows best. Objectives:


9 Trusting and Obeying God Builds a Foundation That Will Stand When Life Falls Apart Job 1:1-5

10 Job, even without the Law of Moses, served as an intercessor between his family and God. He took his spiritual leadership seriously, demonstrating that God established the home to make disciples and transfer the faith.

11 Trusting and Obeying God Builds a Foundation That Will Stand When Life Falls Apart Job feared God and shunned evil. He diligently offered sacrifices on behalf of his children, and reminded them to be faithful to God. We never know for what purposes our faithfulness to God might be preparing us.

12 Practice faith and obedience before life falls apart. How does practicing faith and obedience when life is at its best prepare us for meeting life at its worst? What does it look like to practice faith and obedience on a daily basis?

13 Life’s Difficulties Can Be the Result of Spiritual Warfare Job 1:6-19

14 This interaction between God and Satan illustrates that we are engaged in a spiritual warfare.

15 Satan’s attempts to bring Job down demonstrate how bad things happen because the world is a sinful place.

16 Life’s Difficulties Can Be the Result of Spiritual Warfare From Job’s example, we learn to stay prepared. He had no idea what was about to happen to him or why. We can rest assured, however, that God knows what is happening and will use it for His glory and our good.

17 We can stay on guard, understanding that we are engaged in spiritual warfare. What kinds of circumstances might lead people to feel that life is falling apart for them? How does knowing that “God has things going on that we don’t know about” help us in such times?

18 Our Reaction to Life’s Difficulties Shows the Strength of Our Faith Job 1:20-2:3

19 God giving and taking away demonstrates that He is the sovereign Lord of all.

20 Our Reaction to Life’s Difficulties Shows the Strength of Our Faith Job connected his beginning and end state with the actions of the eternal God: God gave; God took away. Either way, Job sought to praise the name of Jehovah God.

21 We can bring God glory by how we respond to trials. Why is God still worthy of worship when bad things happen to us?

22 We can bring God glory by how we respond to trials. When have you seen someone bring great glory to God while going through trials or difficulty? What did they do or say that brought God glory?

23 What qualities or habits could we build into our lives that would help us remain faithful when dealing with great calamity such as Job’s? How can we develop these qualities or habits in our lives?

24 Available for FREE download at Home Connection is a simple, downloadable page that gives parents: A weekly Bible passage to READ together as a family Suggestions to help them PRAY together as a family Suggested activities to DO to put their faith in action

25 Home Connection also provides the “take away” from each age level in D6 Curriculum. This way parents know what each family member is experiencing in his or her class. Download your free copy of Home Connection at


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