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The presentation can only be copied or altered for non-commercial personal or educational use. © Citizenship Foundation Charity Reg No 801360 Author: M.

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Presentation on theme: "The presentation can only be copied or altered for non-commercial personal or educational use. © Citizenship Foundation Charity Reg No 801360 Author: M."— Presentation transcript:

1 The presentation can only be copied or altered for non-commercial personal or educational use. © Citizenship Foundation Charity Reg No 801360 Author: M. Heath

2 Using Go-Givers lessons This PowerPoint is designed to inform, and to support critical thinking and discussion. Go-Givers PowerPoints can be used in their entirety OR content can be saved and edited. In order for the links and animation to work, always show the PowerPoints in ‘slide show’ view. The green dot in the bottom right hand corner of the slide indicates when the slide animation is complete. More information about using PowerPoint can be found herehere The LEARNING ACTIVITIES are an essential and integral part of this lesson. They are linked at the end of this PowerPoint.

3 In this lesson we will be exploring the role of groups.


5 When people act as a group they are stronger! Although you might be able to snap a single stick, it is very difficult to break a bundle.

6 Groups can offer support and protection It is easy to rip a single sheet of paper, but harder to tear a pack!

7 Groups can become winning teams

8 Or powerful pressure groups Victory for Activists! New Hospital for Generocity!

9 ….but groups can also be threatening!

10 Or exclusive …. Do you ever deliberately leave anyone out?

11 A gang of bullies can terrorise a playground.

12 Rivalry between gangs has sometimes led to knife crime on the streets …

13 When we belong to the right kinds of groups we can make friends, share interests, learn from each other and experience success.


15 One person showed the groups they belonged to like this:

16 Another like this:

17 You may have realised that some groups you belong to are interlinked, like this: My Class My Friends

18 Or even like this Choir


20 Can you think of any other groups which support you and other people in your community?

21 Glossary pressure group – lobby group exclusive – limited to particular people terrorise – intimidate, threaten rivalry – opposition, enmity interlinked – connected in several ways

22 Useful Web Links - information and support for children, teachers and parents about bullying urces/DealingWithBullyingPDF_wdf58873.pdf - unit of work on dealing with bullying from Childline urces/DealingWithBullyingPDF_wdf58873.pdf– online charity dedicated to bullying with materials, resources, advice and support for teachers, children and parents nddiscipline/bullying– information and advice for children, teachers and parents nddiscipline/bullying - Childline’s kids website advice, fun, games and information for children on a range of issues

23 Useful Web Links - Newsround resources, reports, games, information and chat for children about bullying - Kick It Out works throughout the football, educational and community sectors to challenge racism and work for positive change – including a dedicated education section with lesson plans and school activities - Britkid is a website about race, racism, and growing up in Britain. Visitors meet a gang of nine young British people from different backgrounds.Visit their home, meet their family and friends and share - Information, advice and support for children about racism 0/1703902.stm - What is Racism? A guide for children 0/1703902.stm

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