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 How do you find how to get to a new destination?  How do you find the phone number of a business?  How do you look up the times when movies are playing.

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Presentation on theme: " How do you find how to get to a new destination?  How do you find the phone number of a business?  How do you look up the times when movies are playing."— Presentation transcript:

1  How do you find how to get to a new destination?  How do you find the phone number of a business?  How do you look up the times when movies are playing at the theater?  How do you buy music?  How do you get local/national news?

2 Where are we going?

3 Technology establishes literacy

4  Monday Night Football with Howard Cosell

5  Jordan’s Chemistry class  Online class in our district  Matt’s epiphany

6  The fountain of information?  Google:  Operates a million servers around the world.  Processes over a billion requests per day  Processes twenty-four petabytes ofpetabytes user-generated data every day (24 000 000 000 000 000)

7 Our world is moving. A tidal wave is coming. If we don’t move to higher ground, we will be swept away.

8 computers, smartboards, document cameras, mimeos, centeos, blogs, internet searches, flip cameras, e-readers, ipads, ipods, smart phones, skype, webcams, link, movie makers, moodle, wikis, youtube, webertube, jing podcasts, prezi, email, survey monkey, Google – docs, maps, earth, mail, etc.

9  Technology in the classroom is not a new idea:

10  Tools vs. Toys Wireless access/devices BYOD

11  Be literate.  Be creative.  Be innovative.  Be a PIONEER!

12  Get students to be “authentically engaged”.  Students are immersed in work that has clear meaning and immediate value to them.

13  You have full autonomy –  You choose  The t ask  The t ime  The T echnique  The t eam

14  School Policy:  While digital media devices are beneficial, their misuse may be disruptive to a positive learning environment and may infringe on the privacy and rights of others.  The use of digital media devices which disrupts the classroom environment is prohibited. These devices will be confiscated if students are found using them in any way which is disruptive to the classroom.

15 We must be literate to teach literacy. MNF halftime highlights can’t compete with modern apps.

16 Let’s catch the wave –

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