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Catechesis RCIA Network of E&W. RCIA 75 The catechumenate is an extended period during which the candidates are given suitable pastoral formation and.

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1 Catechesis RCIA Network of E&W

2 RCIA 75 The catechumenate is an extended period during which the candidates are given suitable pastoral formation and guidance, aimed at training them in the Christian life [candidati institutione pastorali donantur et opportuna disciplina exercentur]. In this way, the dispositions manifested at their acceptance into the catechumenate are brought to maturity. This is achieved in four ways.

3 Sacrosanctum concilium 64 The catechumenate for adults, comprising several distinct steps, is to be restored and to be taken into use at the discretion of the local ordinary. By this means the time of the catechumenate, which is intended as a period of suitable instruction, may be sanctified by sacred rites to be celebrated at successive intervals of time.

4 Sacrosanctum concilium 65 In mission lands it is found that some of the peoples already make use of initiation rites. Elements from these, when capable of being adapted to Christian ritual, may be admitted along with those already found in Christian tradition, according to the norm laid down in Art. 37-40, of this Constitution.

5 Lumen Gentium 17 The Church has received this solemn mandate of Christ to proclaim the saving truth from the apostles and must carry it out to the very ends of the earth.

6 Ad gentes 14 Those who, through the Church, have accepted from God a belief in Christ are admitted to the catechumenate by liturgical rites. The catechumenate is not a mere expounding of doctrines and precepts, but a training period in the whole Christian life, and an apprenticeship duly drawn out, during which disciples are joined to Christ their Teacher. Therefore, catechumens should be properly instructed in the mystery of salvation and in the practice of Gospel morality, and by sacred rites which are to be held at successive intervals, they should be introduced into the life of faith, of liturgy, and of love, which is led by the People of God.

7 Ad Gentes 14....But this Christian initiation in the catechumenate should be taken care of not only by catechists or priests, but by the entire community of the faithful, so that right from the outset the catechumens may feel that they belong to the people of God. And since the life of the Church is an apostolic one, the catechumens also should learn to cooperate wholeheartedly, by the witness of their lives and by the profession of their faith, in the spread of the Gospel and in the building up of the Church.

8 75/1 A suitable catechesis is provided by priests or deacons, or by catechists and others of the faithful, planned to be gradual and complete in its coverage [per gradus disposita et integre exhibita], accommodated to the liturgical year, and solidly supported by celebrations of the word. This catechesis leads the catechumens not only to an appropriate acquaintance with dogmas and precepts but also to a profound sense of the mystery of salvation in which they desire to participate.

9 Year-round “The following should be noted about the time of celebrating the rite of acceptance into the order of catechumens.... Two dates in the year, or three if necessary, are to be fixed as the usual times for carrying out this rite” (RCIA 18). A “year-round catechumenate” indicates that people are able to enter this step at several times a year Different from a “year-long” catechumenate

10 Reflection Questions Is the catechetical plan in your community flexible enough to allow a year- round catechumenate? What are the practical challenges?

11 Lectionary Catechesis “accommodated to the liturgical year” The annual unfolding of the mystery of Christ The time of year and the biblical cycle lead the content of the catechesis

12 Reflection Question What role does lectionary catechesis play in your community?

13 Thomas Groome Christian Religious Education: Sharing Our Story and Vision Five movements of shared- praxis approach Naming/expressing “present action” Critical reflection on present action Making accessible Christian Story and Vision Dialectical hermeneutics to appropriate Story/Vision to participants’ stories and visions Decision/response for lived Christian faith

14 Exercise Where do you live? Why do you live there? Name the values “Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, / but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head.” Why? How do these values compare and contrast? As a Christian, what is your response?

15 Paradigms Various catechetical textbooks The Creed The 10 Commandments The Beatitudes The Precepts of the Church Balancing the needs of the Church with those of individuals

16 Reflection question What textbooks or other materials are in use for the period of the catechumenate? Why?

17 Children 243 The Christian initiation of these children requires both a conversion that is personal and somewhat developed, in proportion to their age, and the assistance of the education they need. The process of initiation thus must be adapted both to their spiritual progress, that is, to the children’s growth in faith, and to the catechetical instruction they receive. Accordingly, as with adults, their initiation is to be extended over several years, if need be, before they receive the sacraments.

18 Companions 244/1 Since the children to be initiated often belong to a group of children of the same age who are already baptised and are preparing for confirmation and eucharist, their initiation progresses gradually and within the supportive setting of this group of companions.

19 Times 246...before the children are admitted to the sacraments at Easter, it should be established that they are ready for the sacraments. Celebration at this time must also be consistent with the programme of catechetical instruction they are receiving, since the candidates should, if possible, come to the sacraments of initiation at the time that their baptised companions are to receive confirmation or eucharist.

20 Reflection Question What are the issues pertaining to the catechesis of children during the period of the catechumenate?

21 Contents IV: De præparandis ad confirmationem et eucharistiam adultis qui, infantes baptizati, catechesim non receperunt V: Ordo initiationis puerorum qui ætatem catecheticam adepti sunt VI: Textus varii Appendix: Ordo admissionis valide iam baptizatorum in plenam communionem ecclesiæ catholicæ Part II: Particular Circumstances 1. Initiation of children of catechetical age... 4. Preparation of uncatechized adults 5. Reception of baptized Christians Appendix II: Acclamations, hymns, songs

22 uncatechized adults 378 For the most part the plan of catechesis corresponds to the one laid down for catechumens (see no. 75,1). But in the process of catechesis the priest, deacon, or catechist should take into account that these adults have a special status because they are already baptised.

23 uncatechized adults 384 The period of catechesis for these adults should be properly coordinated with the liturgical year. This is particularly true of its final phase, which should as a rule coincide with Lent. During the Lenten season penitential services should be arranged in such a way as to prepare these adults for the celebration of the sacrament of penance.

24 uncatechized adults 385 The high point of their entire formation will normally be the EasterVigil. At that time they will make a profession of the faith in which they were baptised, receive the sacrament of confirmation, and take part in the eucharist. If, because neither the bishop nor another authorized minister is present, confirmation cannot be given at the Easter Vigil, it is to be celebrated as soon as possible and, if this can be arranged, during the Easter season.

25 BAPTISED CHRISTIANS 391 The baptised Christian is to receive both doctrinal and spiritual preparation, adapted to individual pastoral requirements, for reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church. The candidate should learn to deepen an inner adherence to the Church, where he or she will find the fulness of his or her baptism. During the period of preparation the candidate may share in worship in conformity with the provisions of the Ecumenical Directory. Anything that would equate candidates for reception with those who are catechumens is to be absolutely avoided.

26 Reflection Question What are the issues surrounding the reception into full communion of validly baptized Christians, and catechizing Catholic adults who received baptism and nothing more?

27 75/1 A suitable catechesis is provided by priests or deacons, or by catechists and others of the faithful, planned to be gradual and complete in its coverage, accommodated to the liturgical year, and solidly supported by celebrations of the word. This catechesis leads the catechumens not only to an appropriate acquaintance with dogmas and precepts but also to a profound sense of the mystery of salvation in which they desire to participate.

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