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a short introduction The Torah is the sacred text of the Jewish people.

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2 a short introduction

3 The Torah is the sacred text of the Jewish people.

4 If you want to understand the relationship between the Jewish people and the Torah…. Imagine that your best friend was moving to a school on the other side of the country. You can’t see them, but every day you check your mail, Facebook, MySpace or email to see if you have a message from them.

5 Could you say that your mail was the same as your relationship to that friend? = relationship ?

6 In the same way, a Jewish person would not say that ‘My relationship with God = Torah’ However they want to read the Torah because they believe it is God’s mail. It is directly written from Him, to express His commandments and wisdom.

7 When you love someone, you treasure their words…. Traditional Jewish people believe that God told Moses all of the Torah on Mount Sinai, and that Moses wrote down his exact words. Therefore the Torah is at the very heart of their relationship with God.

8 “For God grants wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.” (Proverbs 2:6)


10 The 10 Commandments

11 What is the story behind the 10 commandments? Who was Moses? Where did this happen? How was God involved?

12 The 10 Commandments…. 1.I am God. You honour and serve only me. 2.Do not make idols, or bow down to them. 3. Treat God’s name with respect. 4.Keep the seventh day, the Sabbath, a day of rest. 5.Show respect for your mother and father.

13 6. Be loyal to your wife or husband – don’t go off with another woman or man. 7.Do not steal. 8. Do not tell lies. 9. Don’t be jealous of your neighbour – do not be greedy for another person’s belongings. 10. Do not kill another human being.

14 Have you ever studied a novel in your English class? If it was difficult to understand, what would you need to do? - Consult with a teacher -Consult with other students -Buy a study guide to help you understand the book as you read it

15 Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) and commentariesTanakhHebrew Bible Works of the Talmudic Era (classic rabbinic literature) Mishnah and commentariesMishnah Talmud:Talmud Midrashic literature:Midrashic literature Halakhic literature (giving the major codes of Jewish Law and Custom )Halakhic

16 Israel -derived from Jacob, descendant of Abraham -extended to refer to Jacob’s ancestors (the 12 tribes of Israel) -in modern times, used to refer to the land of Israel

17 Conquest of Canaan

18 Fall of Kingdom 8 th century BCE: Assyria conquered Israel and the Israelites were taken into exile among the Gentiles (non- Jewish people)

19 Israel Established in the second century BCE after a rebellion. Three sects (or groups of Jews) formed in Israel: Sadducees Pharisees Essenes

20 Jerusalem And the Temple King Solomon, the son of David, first built the temple in Jerusalem the temple was destroyed but was rebuilt again after the Jews returned from exile (the ‘second temple’) this temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70AD


22 1937 Jews are not allowed to teach Germans not allowed to be accountants or dentists

23 1938 Jews start to try and escape from Germany

24 Nazi Camps There were two different types of camps used by the Nazis. CONCENTRATION CAMPS EXTERMINATION CAMPS


26 There are several distinctive Jewish festivals and celebrations. We will be considering two of them Bar Mitzvah Shabbat

27 Bar Mitzvah Move from being a child to being an adult. The child is now responsible for what they do. If they do anything wrong, it is their fault and not their parents’. No ceremony is needed to celebrate this but many people choose to have a special party.

28 Shabbat Shabbat is the Jewish day of rest. Shabbat is between Friday evening and Saturday evening. Strictly no work must be done on this day. All preparations for Shabbat are finished before sunset on Friday.

29 Modern Day Judaism There are three main categories of modern Jews: Orthodox Reform Conservative

30 Thanks for listening!

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