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MODERNISATION OF RUE NOTRE-DAME Presented at the 19 th International EMME/2 Users’ Conference Seattle, WA October 21, 2005 Pascal Volet Christian Letarte.

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Presentation on theme: "MODERNISATION OF RUE NOTRE-DAME Presented at the 19 th International EMME/2 Users’ Conference Seattle, WA October 21, 2005 Pascal Volet Christian Letarte."— Presentation transcript:

1 MODERNISATION OF RUE NOTRE-DAME Presented at the 19 th International EMME/2 Users’ Conference Seattle, WA October 21, 2005 Pascal Volet Christian Letarte Ville de Montreal presented by Shane Velan INRO Designed to be viewed as a slideshow on Microsoft Powerpoint or Powerpoint Viewer.Powerpoint Viewer See the included notes by selecting Notes Page in the View menu. images provided courtesy of Ministère des Transports du Québec/Ville de Montreal

2 Setting  Congested riverfront corridor with 3 sections 1.Sainte-Marie highway-arterial transition zone 2.Hochelaga-Maisonneuve arterial 3.Assomption-Souligny arterial bridge underpass rail underpass residential neighbourhood Port of Montreal Setting parks and recreation tunnel to downtown images provided courtesy of Ministère des Transports du Québec/Ville de Montreal

3  dual-purpose facility 1.peak-period throughway speed-controlled accessway  multi-modal  safety  public space  economic development  traffic management  contraints  capacity  environmental impact  noise limits  cost-containment Objectives

4 At-grade Hochelaga-Maisonneuve section images provided courtesy of Ministère des Transports du Québec/Ville de Montreal

5 Linear Park: Hochelaga-Maisonneuve section images provided courtesy of Ministère des Transports du Québec/Ville de Montreal

6 Intersection design: Hochelaga-Maisonneuve section images provided courtesy of Ministère des Transports du Québec/Ville de Montreal

7 3 overpasses parks connected Sunken Hochelaga-Maisonneuve section images provided courtesy of Ministère des Transports du Québec/Ville de Montreal

8 Network

9 zonesnodeslinks EMME/2 regional140015,00033,500 EMME/2 sub-area24011603300 Dynameq24010002850 Network Size

10  March to May 2005  coded signal timing  coded network geometry  June to August 2005  assembled demand data  verified intersection geometry  calibrated base scenario  September to November 2005  coded variants on the Sainte-Marie sector  continued calibration Quarterly Work Plan

11 Signal timing plans  330 signalized intersections  120 stop-controlled intersections  signal timings  lane configurations Intersection spreadsheet Visual Basic scripts  generate ASCII file for intersections  generate ASCII format for traffic counts  rotate network from diagonal to horizontal  change the number of lanes between the AM and PM periods  log network modifications  electro-mechancal signal controls  AM & PM fixed timing plans

12 Demonstration  Node inputs  Link inputs  Network validation  Simulation results

13 Convergence / AM Base scenario

14 Convergence / AM Future scenario option D, version 4

15 Link counts


17 Simulated versus observed volumes for the AM Base scenario

18 Simulated versus observed volumes for the PM Base scenario

19 Travel time survey routes

20 Preliminary results / travel time for the AM Base scenario St-Laurent, from Notre-Dame to Rachel Observed : 7 min 10 sec Dynameq : 8 min 48 sec

21 Preliminary results / travel time for the AM Base scenario St-Urbain, from Rachel to Notre-Dame Observed : 9 min 10 sec Dynameq : 10 min 26 sec

22 Preliminary results / travel time for the AM Base scenario Sherbrooke East, from Guy to St-Laurent Observed : 8 min 02 sec Dynameq : 7 min 22 sec

23 Preliminary results / travel time for the AM Base scenario Sherbrooke East, from St-Laurent to Iberville Observed : 8 min 28 sec Dynameq : 8 min 23 sec

24 MODERNISATION OF RUE NOTRE-DAME Presented at the 19 th International EMME/2 Users’ Conference Seattle, WA October 21, 2005 Pascal Volet Christian Letarte Ville de Montreal presented by Shane Velan INRO

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