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Impact of Technology Practicum of Interior Design.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of Technology Practicum of Interior Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact of Technology Practicum of Interior Design

2 Research Basics What kind of information is needed? – Facts – Analyses – Local codes, standards, etc. – Research studies – Primary research, if appropriate Where can information be found? – Libraries – Online

3 Research Ethics Avoiding Plagiarism – Cite your sources – Summarize or paraphrase as much as possible Primary Research – Is it necessary? – Objectivity vs. Subjectivity

4 Trends and Technology Trend Technology

5 Tools and Equipment How has technology changed the tools and equipment used in interior design? What has been the impact on the field? What has been the impact on the construction of furnishings?

6 Promotions What do we mean by promotions? How does technology impact housing and business furnishing promotions?

7 Technology in Promotions How is it utilized? How does it impact? What changes do you foresee based on emerging technology?

8 Your assignment Research: – Impact of technology on furnishings – Current trends impacting furnishings – Technology’s impact on tools and equipment – Technology’s impact on promotions Utilizing your research, create a presentation that delineates how technology is used in furnishings, design, and construction.

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