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Tracker Week, CERN, 10-13 Feb 2004 12 Feb 2004Tracker Week - Module ProductionSalvatore Costa - Catania Report on Module Bonding Salvatore Costa Università.

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Presentation on theme: "Tracker Week, CERN, 10-13 Feb 2004 12 Feb 2004Tracker Week - Module ProductionSalvatore Costa - Catania Report on Module Bonding Salvatore Costa Università."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tracker Week, CERN, 10-13 Feb 2004 12 Feb 2004Tracker Week - Module ProductionSalvatore Costa - Catania Report on Module Bonding Salvatore Costa Università di Catania and INFN – Sezione di Catania

2 12 Feb 2004Tracker Week - Module Production2 Salvatore Costa - Catania Outline There were no major specific technical issues in the Reports from individual Centers. –Zurich showed that it’s better to remove transport plate to bond and pull-test TEC R4 Modules I will report here on: 1.New Bonding Centers 2.New decisions about Procedures 3.Summary of number of Modules bonded and give a 1.Quick review of Module bonding quality indicators

3 12 Feb 2004Tracker Week - Module Production3 Salvatore Costa - Catania New Bonding Centers 1.CATANIA On 5 Dec 2003 the INFN Consortium agreed to re- designate Catania as Production Center. Previously it was “Bonding Repair Center” and also already had responsibility for LT Module Testing. Facility is 2 Hughes 2470 II machines (older) –It’s foreseen Catania will bond ~500 TIB/TID Modules. –Modules for Catania come from the Bari Gantry. Received: 25 Modules. Bonded: 11 fully, 5 “almost”. 2.HAMBURG Have 19 modules w/ or w/o ceramic stiffener, and no glue at corners of sensor. Successfully bonded 2, after placing glue under corners. Also made their own jigs (2).

4 12 Feb 2004Tracker Week - Module Production4 Salvatore Costa - Catania Module Pull Tests (50 th wires, PA Test Areas) At each Center: 1.On every Module for the first 20 Modules of the current production (i.e. after PA bonding problems and kapton cable break problem solved) if OK, or until results are either satisfactory or cannot be further improved but fall within specs. 2.On 1 Module/week afterwards. 3.Bonds in PA test areas will still be made on every module but pulled either if a problem is suspected or else once per week together with the 50 th wires. Pull Test Procedures

5 12 Feb 2004Tracker Week - Module Production5 Salvatore Costa - Catania Number of Modules Bonded since the epoch 44 (16) 12

6 12 Feb 2004Tracker Week - Module Production6 Salvatore Costa - Catania Number of Modules Bonded ZURICH after Hyb prod resumed with stiffener added to kapton cable 44 (16)

7 12 Feb 2004Tracker Week - Module Production7 Salvatore Costa - Catania Indicators of bonding quality 1.Results of pull tests [specification for production Modules : mean > 5g] –on Pitch Adapter test areas –on a sample of readout bonds (every 50 th wire) 2.Number of repaired failures during bonding –typically wire fails to stick until either pads are cleaned or PA edges are supporeted or or bonding parameters are increased 3.Number of unbonded channels (that were not supposed to be left unbonded for Sensor strip defects)

8 12 Feb 2004Tracker Week - Module Production8 Salvatore Costa - Catania Module Pull Tests Performed # Modules pull tested, separately per bond type after 01Dec2003 (since the epoch) Results in DB from 9 Centers out of 14 CenterPA TAPA-SenSen-Sen Bari24 (27)24 (30) n/a Catania11 (11) n/a Firenze1 (7) 0 (2) n/a Padova0 (1) 0 (2) n/a Pisa1 (8) 18 (29) n/a Torino19 (27) n/a Fermilab7 (7)7 (41)0 ( 0) Santa-Barbara20 (32) 20 (29) Zurich0 (0) 4 (12) n/a

9 12 Feb 2004Tracker Week - Module Production9 Salvatore Costa - Catania Explanation of pull test results shown …. ~ 15 plots like the one below. Pruned and summarized into just 2 plots… 01Dec2003

10 12 Feb 2004Tracker Week - Module Production10 Salvatore Costa - Catania Pull Test Results Summary Only Modules bonded after 01Dec2003 make this plot BA CT FI PI TO FNAL UCSB 24 11 1 1 19 7 20 # Modules pull tested

11 12 Feb 2004Tracker Week - Module Production11 Salvatore Costa - Catania Pull Test Results Summary Only Modules bonded after 01Dec2003 make this plot BA CT PI TO FNAL UCSB UCSB ZH 24 11 18 19 7 20 20 4 Sen-Sen # Modules pull tested

12 12 Feb 2004Tracker Week - Module Production12 Salvatore Costa - Catania Repaired failures during bonding [Only Modules bonded after 01Dec2003] center# Modules /Module Bari260.5 Catania117.6 Fermilab70.9 Firenze291.0 Padova83.6 Pisa870.4 Santa-Barbara1641.7 Torino180.0 Zurich40.0

13 12 Feb 2004Tracker Week - Module Production13 Salvatore Costa - Catania Number of unbonded channels [Other than those which were supposed to be left unbonded because of known Sensor strip defects] –So far only 3, at Catania (bonding accident)

14 12 Feb 2004Tracker Week - Module Production14 Salvatore Costa - Catania The last edit… All 556 Modules bonded so far Strips unbonded for whatever reason (mostly Sensor defects)

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