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Marine Fishes Marine Fishes Marine Biology Unit #4.

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1 Marine Fishes Marine Fishes Marine Biology Unit #4

2 Ichthyology Ichthyology  1 st vertebrates; ~500 million years ago  ~30,000 species; >all other vertebrates  Protein, vitamins, leather, fertilizers  3 major classes:  Agnatha – jawless fish  Chondrichthyes – cartilagenous fish  Osteichthyes – bony fish

3 Agnatha  Lack teeth, feed using a round oral sucker  Lack paired fins and scales  Lampreys and Hagfish

4 Agnathans  Hagfish – slime eels  Produce thick slime  Scavengers  Feed by boring into food source  Lampreys  Ectoparasites  Freshwater and saltwater

5 Osteichthyes  Skeleton made of bone  ~29,000 species; 96% of all fish species  Over half of all vertebrate species

6 Osteichthyes  Bony skeleton  Gills covered by operculum  Terminal mouth  Scales made of bone  Swim bladder used for bouyancy

7 Coelacanth (Lobe-finned fish)  Fins supported by bones, not rays or spines  Bones in lobes are like those of land vertebrates  Discovered in 1938 (extinct for 60 million years?)

8 Coelacanth (Lobe-finned fish)

9 Lungfish  Ancient group of fish that possess a lung  Few populations globally

10 Ray-finned Fish  Fins supported by hard and/or soft bony rays  Over 99% of all fish species  Extreme diversity

11 Chondrichthyes  Skeleton made of cartilage  Arose about 350-400 million years ago  Moveable jaws with well-developed teeth  Paired (lateral) fins  Denticles  Sharks  Skates  Rays

12 Sharks  350 species that range in size from 10 in. to 50 ft.

13 Sharks  Usually possess :  2 dorsal fins  Paired pectoral and pelvic fins  5-7 external gill slits  Caudal fin (tail)  Homocercal tail - speed  Heterocercal tail - power

14 Sharks  Sophisticated sensory system:  2/3 of brain dedicated to smell (nostrils)  Lateral line to detect movements in water  Ampullae of Lorenzini to detect electricity  Eyesight good  Ugly?

15 Sharks  Powerful jaws w/ triangular teeth  Tooth replacement

16 Sharks  Claspers on males (reproductive organs)

17 Sharks  Hunted for oil, skin, meat, fins  We kill ~100,000,000/year

18 Skates/Rays  450-500 species;range in size >12” up to 20 ft.  Flattened bodies; most live on ocean bottom

19 Skates/Rays  Mouths and gill slits on ventral  Eyes and spiracles on dorsal  Pectoral fins flattened and expanded into “wings”

20 Skates

21 Rays

22 Osteichthyes vs. Chondrichthyes

23 Body shapes  Fusiform, fast swimmers  Laterally compressed  Laterally compressed – flatfish  Dorsal/ventral compressed  Elongate  Irregular

24 Body shapes


26 Feeding Styles  Grazers  Pickers  Sit & wait gulpers  Ambushers  Stalkers  Attackers  Filter feeders

27 Feeding Styles

28 Coloration  Camouflage  Advertisement  Warning

29 Coloration  Distruptive

30 Coloration  Countershading

31 Irrigation of Gills

32 Schooling  Protection  Swimming efficiency  Finding food  Finding a mate


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