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Chapter 11 Oil & Natural Gas Formation. Spindletop 1901 Salt under pressure like a lava lamp, bubbling upward, breaking and deforming the rocks above.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 Oil & Natural Gas Formation. Spindletop 1901 Salt under pressure like a lava lamp, bubbling upward, breaking and deforming the rocks above."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11 Oil & Natural Gas Formation

2 Spindletop 1901 Salt under pressure like a lava lamp, bubbling upward, breaking and deforming the rocks above. Broken rocks act as effective traps for oil and gas.

3 Oil Reserves & Type

4 Natural Gas Reserves

5 Oil Refining - Distillation

6 Peak Oil? Dependent On: Technology Consumption Economics Exploration Oil production may peak 2010-2100 by 2020 seems likely

7 1936 – Saudi Arabia Yom Kippur War 1973 OAPEC Strategic Petroleum Reserve

8 ?

9 Pipeline

10 Exxon Valdez Largest Oil Spill in the US: Alaska, 1989

11 Exxon Valdez Largest Oil Spill in the US: Alaska, 1989 Pressure Washed Dispersant - Solvents Quicker Picker-Uppers

12 Top 10 Oil Spills 1. Kuwait - 1991 - 520 million gallons Iraqi forces opened the valves of several oil tankers in order to slow the invasion of American troops. 2. Mexico - 1980 - 100 million gallons An accident in an oil well caused an explosion which then caused the well to collapse. The well remained open, spilling 30,000 gallons a day into the ocean for a full year. 3. Trinidad and Tobago - 1979 - 90 million oil tanker collided with another ship 4. Russia - 1994 - 84 million gallons A broken pipeline in Russia leaked for eight months before it was noticed and repaired. 5. Persian Gulf - 1983 - 80 million gallons A tanker collided with a drilling platform which, eventually, collapsed into the sea. The well continued to spill oil into the ocean for seven months before it was repaired. 6. South Africa - 1983 - 79 million gallons A tanker cought fire 7. France - 1978 - 69 million gallons A tanker in a severe storm, 8. Angola - 1991 - more than 51 million gallons The tanker expolded 9. Italy - 1991 - 45 million gallons The tanker exploded and sank off the coast of Italy and continued leaking it's oil into the ocean for 12 years. 10. Odyssey Oil Spill - 1988 - 40 million gallons Exon Valdez: 10.8 Million Gallons Deepwater Horizon BP: 206 Million Gallons

13 The Cost The Immediate Impact - Estimated 250,000 to as many as 500,000 seabirds 1,000 sea otters 300 harbor seals 250 bald eagles 22 orcas billions of salmon and herring eggs A fishery that fisherman say still has not recovered “2010” Otter populations still troubled “2012”

14 Future Reserves Deepwater Horizon

15 ANWR & NPRA December 2012: National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (23M acres) interior secretary Salazar announces 50/50 leasing and preservation Estimated 900M barrels of oil (42 gallons) USA uses 19M barrels daily So the question is?

16 Fracking – Oil & Natural Gas ND – Bracken Shale Formation 18B Barrels Oil PA & NY Marcellus Shale formation 38TCF Gas 84TCF Gas Wyoming

17 Fracking

18 Tar Sands Bitumen (asphalt or tar) - mixed with sand and clay.

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