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Gender Intimacies: Gendered Sexuality

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1 Gender Intimacies: Gendered Sexuality
Lecture 5 Gender Intimacies: Gendered Sexuality Look at NYT article…

2 What are the roles that are expected of men in relationships? Women?
I think men talk to women so they can sleep with them and women sleep with men so they can talk to them.  ~Jay McInerney Do you think sex means different things to men and women in relationship? Why? What are the roles that are expected of men in relationships? Women? DISCUSSION QUESTIONS

3 Gendered Sexuality Sexual ideology supports the idea that men and women have naturally different: sexual desires – sexual urges and sexual pleasure. sexual roles – in the private and public realm and sexual practices – appropriate sexuality Femininity and sexuality passive, emotional/irrational, monogamous, vaginal, penetrated Masculinity and sexuality aggressive/assertive, unemotional/rational, multiple partners, penal, penetrate

4 Constructing Heterosexuality
Historical, political, and cultural factors have shaped the way we understand sexuality Idea of sexual identity emerged in late 1800’s Modernization and Industrialization affected ideas of sexuality Heteronormativity: culture where heterosexuality is accepted as the “normal” mode of sexual expression Gender and sexuality are linked through the nuclear family ideal

5 Gender and Learning Sexuality
Men and women are socialized to think differently about sexuality and relationships Men and women experience different paths to sexual orientation How are gays and lesbians affected by the sexual ideology? Gay men associate sexual identity with erotic experiences Lesbians associate identity with relationships

6 Slut-bashing: Good Girl Vs.Bad Girl

7 Language and Sexual Politics
Sexual Politics: the exercise of power through sexuality How does language control our behavior? “Slut” and “Fag” Structures adolescent sexuality Sexual Double-Standard Slut – Stud Dichotomy

8 Developing our Gendered Sexuality
According to Freud, Children’s sexual pleasure derives from the same erotoenic zone – penis or penis equivalent (clitoris) “With the change to femininity the clitoris should wholly hand over its sensitivity, and at the same time importance, to the vagina…[however] the man has only to continue the activity that he previously carried out”

9 “Female Hysteria” 25% of women were diagnosed with hysteria
Over 75 possible symptoms Nervousness, insomnia, or a "tendency to cause trouble" Women went to the doctor for “pelvic stimulation” until the home vibrator emerged 1902 electric vibrator was for sale in home catalogs like Sears

10 “Vibration promotes life and vigor, strength and beauty “

11 Masturbation: Creating Hysteria Today
In 1994 the surgeon general under the Clinton administration was fired for saying that a safe alternative to sexual intercourse & a way to stay safe against HIV is ….masturbation Joycelyn Elders: "masturbation is something that is a part of human sexuality, and is a part of something that perhaps should be taught."  

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