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P.57-58 Brown, 105-110.  Specific abilities were thought to predict success in language learning were called “aptitude” which is the ability to learn.

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Presentation on theme: "P.57-58 Brown, 105-110.  Specific abilities were thought to predict success in language learning were called “aptitude” which is the ability to learn."— Presentation transcript:

1 P.57-58 Brown, 105-110

2  Specific abilities were thought to predict success in language learning were called “aptitude” which is the ability to learn quickly.  Learners would take tests that would predict if they can learn languages or not.

3 The test measures different abilities: 1. Identifying and memorizing new sounds. 2. Understanding the function of a particular word in a sentence. 3. Figure out grammatical rules from language samples. 4. Remember new words. 5. p.58

4  For example, you would look at the first five sets of syllables. They would look something like this:  1. “bot” “but” “bok” “buk”  2. “bok” “buk” “bov” “bof”  3. “geet” “gut” “beet” “but”  4. “beek” “beev” “but” “buv”  5. “geeb” “geet” “buf” “but”  Then you will be given the first syllable and you should complete it.

5  Language Analysis  The list below contains words from a foreign language and the English equivalents of these words.  jiban………………boy, a boy  jojo………………, a dog  jiban njojo za…….A boy likes a dog.  By referring to the above list, figure out how the following statement should be expressed in this language. Do this without writing on paper.  A dog likes a boy.  Jojo njiban za.

6  “ ba” is “one”  “baba” is “two”  “dee” is “three”  “tu” is “twenty”  “ti” is “thirty”  “tu-ba” is “twenty-one” in this language -- because “tu” is twenty and “ba” is one.  “ti-ba” is “thirty-one “ – because “ti” is thirty and “ba” is one.  Now let’s begin. Write down the number you hear.  a. ti-ba [you have only about 5 seconds to write down your answer]  b. ti-dee  c. baba  d. tu-dee

7 1. The studies on the effectiveness of the aptitude test were done at a time when old teaching methods were used in the classroom (audio- lingual). 2. With use of new communicative methods the abilities targeted by this test became unnecessary. 3. Lately, aptitude is underestimated in favour of other characteristics like intelligence, styles and strategies. 4. The test doesn’t take into consideration the determination and motivation of the learner.

8  Intelligence has been measured in terms of linguistic and mathematical abilities. High IQ s meant success in language learning.  More research found that the relationship is not that simple.

9  Gardner, 1993  Gardner used case studies of autistic savants as part of his theory on multiple intelligences. The savant syndrome skills involve striking feats of memory and often include arithmetic calculation and sometimes unusual abilities in art or music

10 1. Linguistic. 2. Logical mathematical. 3. Musical (ability to recognize and create rhythm patterns) 4. Spatial (the ability to find one’s way around the environment) 5. Bodily-kinaesthetic ( movement, athletic) 6. Naturalist ( sensitivity to nature, plants, animals) 7. Interpersonal ( the ability to understand others) 8. Intrapersonal ( the ability to understand oneself, develop self identity)

11  Each kind of intelligence is beneficial in one aspect of language learning.  Musical: phonology.  Intrapersonal: communication.

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