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SWSA 2003 - 2nd SRNWP Workshop on statistical and dynamical adaptation QPF mapping in Iceland using topographic information Philippe Crochet Icelandic.

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Presentation on theme: "SWSA 2003 - 2nd SRNWP Workshop on statistical and dynamical adaptation QPF mapping in Iceland using topographic information Philippe Crochet Icelandic."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWSA 2003 - 2nd SRNWP Workshop on statistical and dynamical adaptation QPF mapping in Iceland using topographic information Philippe Crochet Icelandic Meteorological Office

2 The direct interpolation of precipitation from sparse data over complex terrain is not always relevant because of the presence of strong variability induced by topography. Position of the problem The QPF map is derived by combining information from the DMO (ECMWF 0.5°), the observed precipitation accumulated over a period of a few weeks ending at the forecast issuing time and the topographic features derived from a digital elevation model (DEM). Methodology The proposed method is not aimed at filtering out the forecast errors but only to deal with the interpolation errors over complex terrain. Limits of the method

3 Base map (2km) Combined map QPF map




7 Sampling procedure



10 Basic Comparison









19 Ongoing work Statistical model: modify some predictors and the sampling procedure Interpolate the residuals (spatial variability not explained by the statistical model) and add it to the MLR maps Identify better the wet/dry areas (when the spatial intermittency is high) Apply directly the statistical model to the DMO (no base map)



22 Summary Within the limits of the information provided by a NWP model, the proposed method attempts to map the QPF by exploring the statistical relationship between precipitation and topographic as well as geographic features. It is able to highlight information over rugged terrain especially when large precipitation amounts are forecasted. It requires a DEM and a representative sampling of the domain under consideration (ground network and NWP model) Basic comparison (SPLINE / MLR): Similar results at most verified sites ( most of them < 200m height) Some improvements in areas with complex topography (W and SE) The estimates over the southern sides of Reykjanes and Snæfellsnes peninsulas can sometimes be worse

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