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2013 NCMGA MEMBERSHIP SURVEY. 2013 NCMGA Membership Survey 2007 membership survey was used to gauge membership preferences and solicit suggestions for.

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2 2013 NCMGA Membership Survey 2007 membership survey was used to gauge membership preferences and solicit suggestions for organizational improvement. Several changes were made based on the 2007 survey. 2013 survey was designed to monitor group satisfaction with these changes and continue to solicit membership for suggestions.

3 2013 NCMGA Survey: 67 Responders, 31% participation

4 2013 NCMGA Survey: Meeting Frequency

5 2013 NCMGA Survey: Meeting Rotation

6 2013 NCMGA Survey: Meeting Day of Week

7 2013 NCMGA Survey: Meeting Quality

8 2013 NCMGA Survey: Educational Content

9 2013 NCMGA Survey: Educational Content Cont.

10 2013 NCMGA Survey: Funding, Dues and Website Advertising Positive 55% Sponsor advertising on the website: Negative 18% Neutral 27%

11 2007 vs. 2013 survey results Meeting educational content score increased – 61% v. 87% (Very Good or Excellent) Based on survey results, most prefer to: Continue semiannual meetings on Fridays Focus on educational content of meetings Keep annual membership dues at $25

12 Suggestions (Meeting day) “Saturday is actually best.” (Alternative site) ”...I would also prefer a non hospital or medical center location. This may draw more interest in the meetings not only from the membership but also from potential speakers. It's time for a change.” (Subcommittee meeting) “The GC subcommittee meetings were helpful in the past when someone took responsibility for organizing an agenda. I like the idea of the host site planning an agenda or topic for discussion at each meeting. It is so rare that we all get together like this and I think this time should be used more productively.” (Use of funds) “Education of primary care providers re: pertinent and evolving issues in human genetics as it relates to clinical diagnosis and practice.”

13 More Suggestions (Website sponsorship) “Depends on company and ethics of organizations we should debate it at business meetings.” (Meeting content) “Change focus of educational presentations to be NC based projects and collaborations. Aim to differentiate from other prof org meetings by keeping focus local. Perhaps consider ways to engage/educate NC public.” (Membership expansion) “It is primarily focused toward genetic counseling students now. It might be useful to consider opening it up to graduate students in genetics, medical students considering genetics, or even technicians/technologists as a way to earn CEUs.”

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