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Creating Productive Learning Environments:
Chapter 12 Creating Productive Learning Environments: Classroom Management By: Krista Thomas
Learning to manage a classroom is the most important and challenging task that a new teacher faces.
A well-managed classroom is essential for creating a safe and enjoyable environment for both you and your students. Classroom management will increase your students’ learning and motivation.
Two Important Questions:
What is a productive learning environment? 2) How can you create this type of environment in your own classroom?
Productive Learning Environments
-are classroom that are orderly and focused on learning. A) Students feel physically and emotionally safe. B) The emotional climate is relaxed and inviting with well-behaved students. C) The students understand that learning is their highest priority in the classroom. The Importance of Classroom Management - is important because effective classroom management creates an environment in which teachers can teach and students can learn. A) The general public is also affected by this. They can tell whether the schools and teachers' are doing their jobs in taking charge of their classrooms.
Professional and Public Concerns:
A) In today's schools, classroom management is the second most challenging problem in the school systems; the first being school funding. B) Management problems continue to be a major cause of teacher burnout and job dissatisfaction. C) The public repeatedly ranks discipline as the first or second most serious problem facing schools today. Contrary to the beliefs of many, classroom management is NOT impossible. It takes careful planning and effective instruction to accomplish this.
Influence on Students Learning and Motivation
A) Learning is the central purpose of schooling. B) Classroom management is important, so that students can learn more and stay motivated to learn in well-managed classrooms. C) If students do not feel emotionally safe they will not learn. D) Respect and personal responsibility of students promotes personal, social, and moral development in students. F) Avoid criticizing students. G) Students need environments that contain rules, these rules allow the classroom to be safe and predictable. H) Classroom structure is a MUST!
Goals of Classroom Management
Jacob Kounin-was one of the earliest researchers to study classroom management. (1970)His study was on the differences between classroom management and discipline. Classroom management- Comprehensive actions teachers take to create an environment that supports and facilitates both academic and social-emotional learning. Discipline- Teachers’ responses to student misbehavior. Kounin found that the key to orderly classrooms was the teachers ability to prevent management problems. Effective managers have four primary goals- Create a positive classroom climate Creating a community of learners Developing learner responsibility Maximizing opportunities for learning
Creating a Positive Classroom Climate Creating a Community of Learners
Positive classroom climate- An environment in which learners feel physically and emotionally safe, personally connected to both their teacher and their peers, and worthy of love and respect. Discourage: name-calling, bullying, put-downs, and other forms of hurtful interactions that detract from a positive classroom climate. Make your classroom physically attractive to all types of students that you will teach. Creating a Community of Learners Learning community- is a classroom environment in which the teacher and the students work together to help everyone learn. To create a community of learners create a positive classroom. Trust, physical, and emotional safety are also attached to the ideas of inclusiveness, support, and respect for others.
Developing Learner Responsibility
Learner responsibility is accomplished by students learning to take responsibility for their own actions and how they influence others. Explain the reasons for rules and procedures. Students need to understand why they should obey the rules instead of only following them because of being afraid of the consequences. Developing these responsibilities are both sensible and practical. Maximizing Time and Opportunities for Learning The core of academic learning in any effective classroom is through promoting academic learning. Academic Learning has two factors: time for learning and the effectiveness of the instruction. Classroom time is broke down into four levels: allocated, instructional, engaged, and academic learning time
Creating Production Learning Environments
The Teacher’s Role- teachers set the tone and atmosphere of the room. Rooms can be - inviting, neutral, or even threatening. During lessons teachers should try to interact with the students through instruction in ways that motivate and interest the students. Students more than likely will remember that teacher who made a difference in their lives. The teacher that they choose will probably include a teacher who showed that they had the trait of caring for that student. Students are our investments, we need to invest in the protection and development of each one. Examples: learn names quickly, greet the students in the mornings at the door, spend time with them, and hold students to high standards. When classroom management is not a problem- effective teaching is being accomplished.
Preventing Problems Through Planning
This takes time and energy. Developmental Differences in Students Take into consideration that children develop at different levels when setting rules and procedures. We as teachers must know what the differences between procedures and rules are. When implementing rules into a classroom do the following: State rules positively. Emphasize rationales for rules. Minimize the number of rules. Monitor rules throughout the school year.
Creating Productive Learning Environments: Involving Parents
Benefits of Parental Involvement- More positive attitudes and behaviors Higher long-term achievements Greater willingness to do homework Better attendance and graduation rates Greater enrollment in postsecondary education Strategies for Involving Parents- Send weekly letters, work accomplished, good notes, and descriptions of the work that is expected while to be done in and out of the classroom to the parents to keep contact. Proofread all work sent to anyone! Communicating with others creates the perceptions of your competence, and errors detract from your credibility.
Technology and Teaching: Using Technology to Communicate With Parents
Use technology to both you the teacher and the parents and students benefits. Voice mail and work better for some parents or guardians than meeting face to face. Make a classroom websites. Inform the parents or guardians that they can check for information on the school and their students grades themselves with a password so that they can continually know how their student is doing. Some schools also provide real-time images of their children.
Intervening When Misbehavior Occurs
Intervening Effectively- Demonstrate withitness and overlapping Preserve students dignity Maintain consistency Keep communication congruent Handling Serious Management Problems: Violence and Aggression- When students are verbally aggressive your goal is to keep the problem from escalating. When dealing with a fight- stop the incident, and protect the victim, and get help. Teachers are legally required to intervene in the case of a fight. However, you do not have to physically break the fight up.
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