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Welcome to Open House. The AVID Tutorial A student presentation and video demo featuring 11 th grade AVID students in Mr. Mack’s 2 nd and 3 rd period.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Open House. The AVID Tutorial A student presentation and video demo featuring 11 th grade AVID students in Mr. Mack’s 2 nd and 3 rd period."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Open House

2 The AVID Tutorial A student presentation and video demo featuring 11 th grade AVID students in Mr. Mack’s 2 nd and 3 rd period class.

3 What is The AVID Tutorial? A collaborative learning activity featuring seven students and a tutor. Each student fills out a document called a TRF before class The goal of the tutorial is for students to help each other overcome their confusion using the collective knowledge of the group.

4 What do students do before tutorial With materials? With TRF? Explain the term P.O.C. Honeylove Barrina

5 What do students do during tutorial What does Presenter do? What do group members do? Hamlet Ramos

6 After tutorial, what is the purpose of the reflection? What do you write about if your P.O.C. was cleared? What do you write about if your P.O.C. was not cleared? Terrence Galang

7 What are the outcomes of tutorial? P.O.C. Clear? Are there skills to develop? What do you do if you did not get your P.O.C. cleared? Jordan Thistlewaite

8 Final things to consider Answer vs. Process? How are groups typically chosen Supporting students with questions Mr. Mack

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