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Taxonomy Science of classifying and identifying plants.

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Presentation on theme: "Taxonomy Science of classifying and identifying plants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taxonomy Science of classifying and identifying plants.

2 In the Beginning The system was developed by Karl von Linne. Swedish botanist

3 Scientific Names Comes from Latin Genus comes first Species always second Any more words refer to the variety or cultivar- similar to breeds in dogs or cats

4 Tradescantia zebrina

5 Kingdoms Plant Animal Fungi Others

6 Plant Phylum Thallophites Bryophytes-mosses Pteriophytes- ferns Spermatophyte- Flowering or seed- bearing

7 Genus Corus Rhododendron Quercus Ficus

8 Growth Habits Trees Shrubs Vines

9 Form Columnar Spreading Weeping Round Oval Pyramidal







16 Fruits Cones

17 Nuts

18 Clusters of drupes

19 Capsules

20 Samara

21 Asexual Reproduction Rooting from cuttings- Stem—using hormones and dipping in fungicides help speed up rooting.

22 Leaf—from herbaceous plants, vein must be cut. Root—should be three inches apart in rooting area. Best time of day is early morning because plants have more moisture.

23 Leaf cutting

24 Root cuttings

25 Division or Separtation cutting or pulling apart bulbs, corms, rhizomes, tubers, runners, stolons, suckers, etc.

26 Budding Budding—a form of grafting when a bud is used. Patch budding. T-budding. Chip budding.

27 Patch budding

28 T Budding

29 Chip budding

30 Grafting Grafting—joining separate plant parts together so that they form a union and grow together to make one plant. Scion is the piece of plant at the top of graft. Rootstock is the piece of the plant at the root or bottom of graft


32 Wedge

33 Splice

34 Whip-and-tongue

35 Cleft

36 Side

37 Notch

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