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NCSX VACUUM VESSEL HEATING/COOLING PL Goranson Final Design Review April 4, 2006 Coolant Hose Assemblies and Thermo- hydraulics NCSX.

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Presentation on theme: "NCSX VACUUM VESSEL HEATING/COOLING PL Goranson Final Design Review April 4, 2006 Coolant Hose Assemblies and Thermo- hydraulics NCSX."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCSX VACUUM VESSEL HEATING/COOLING PL Goranson Final Design Review April 4, 2006 Coolant Hose Assemblies and Thermo- hydraulics NCSX


3 NCSX CHARGE Does the heating/cooling system design meet all performance requirements? Have interface requirements, e.g. pressure and flow rate requirements, been adequately defined? Have appropriate provisions for fault detection, isolation, and recovery for potential failure modes in the heating/cooling system been made in the design? Is the design documentation required to procure the hoses adequate? Have relevant chits from previous design reviews been addressed?

4 NCSX DESIGN STATUS Design Cooling/Heating system testing and analyses determined braided hose to be adequate but mountings required revision. Stud spacing revised on models. Saddle mount design revised to accommodate hose.

5 NCSX REF DOCUMENTS STATUS Reference DocumentsTitleStatus NCSX-BSPEC-12-00 NCSX Vacuum Vessel Systems Requirements Reviewed and OK Document NCSX-CALC-12-002 Vacuum Vessel Heating/Cooling Distribution System Thermo-hydraulic AnalysisRevised NCSX-CALC-12-001Local Thermal Analysis Revised NCSX-CALC-12-003 Heat Balance of the NCSX VacuumRevised Vessel During Operation and Bakeout ICD-123-64-0001-00 VV Cooling/heating requirements Revised

6 NCSX DRAWING STATUS Drawing NoTitleStatus SE123-145VV Heating/Cooling Tube WeldmentIn check SE121-008VVSA Phase 2 AssyWill need rev to change stud spacing. This drawing locates the studs, attaches the saddles, and installs the tube supports on port 12. SE121-009Phase 3 AssyNot complete This drawing installs the headers on the VV and installs the rigid coolant tubes SE123-049VV Heating/Cooling ASM AssemblyIssued but will need rev. This drawing assembles the flex hoses on the VV and welds them to the rigid coolant tubes. It is also the Field Period Station 1 drawing.

7 NCSX DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Braided hose performance, while acceptable, is not as effective as previously predicted - required reduction in clamp spacing to ~ 5 inches - hose spacing ideally should be < 6 inches - there are hot spots where hoses are far apart Hose routing (stud location) is unchanged from the PDR - changes would require large investment in time/cost - plan is in place for correction of hot spots - utilizes optional wide clamp which forces a serpentine path - can be done at time of installation


9 FEA model of “Real VV” 2.25 in 2.5 in Same Geometry for the saddles and tubing as the experimental model 368,617 W/m^2 heat flux applied to back of vessel Cooling to Cryostat is applied to the vessel volume as a -12200 W/m^3 heat generation rate. Film Coefficient of 175 W/m2 K, sink temp = 294 applied to interior tubing surfaces Nominal tube spacing is X = 4.5 inches and Y = 5 inches Green = 304 SS Red = copperPurple = Inconel 625.75 in 3/8 in..294 in.114 in.625 in D =.48 in, thickness =.03 in 1 in NCSX

10 5 inches 1.5 in assumed symmetry for FEA model 6 inches 1.25 in NOMINAL CASE NCSX


12 NODAL TEMPERATURE HISTORY FOR CORNER NODES Blue = Bottom node Purple = top node Leveling off (below 350 K) NCSX

13 8 inches 6 inches 1.25 in 1.5 in Max horizontal spacing: All tubes/saddles operational assumed symmetry for FEA model NCSX

14 Ratcheting with max horizontal spacing (film = 175 W/m^2K) Temperature Profile after last cycle Blue = Bottom node Purple = Top node NCSX

15 6 inches 5 inches 1.25 in 2.25 in 3.00 in 2.5 in Missing Tube: (All saddles operational) assumed symmetry for FEA model 1.5 in NCSX

16 Ratcheting with loss of tube (film = 175 W/m^2K) Temperature Profile after last cycle Blue = Bottom node Purple = Top node Estimate leveling off around 360-365 K NCSX

17 OPTIONAL CLAMP NCSX Alternate mounting creates a serpentine pattern - 1 inch offset covers two inch wider region - 10 inch arch chord requires only 0.26 inches additional length - 6 inches extra is provided in hose design Can be retrofitted into potential hot spots areas Requires increase in thickness to 0.125”






23 NCSX THERMO-HYDRAULICS Assumptions: Cooling is for a 15 minute cool down with 14.4 MJ full upgrade operation. (unchanged) with the VV at an elevated ratchet temperature of 48 C. The new pellet insulation scheme has reduced the bakeout heat input to 8.17 kW with VV at 350 C, 4.75 kW at 150 C, 1.02 kW at idle (20 C). 192 hoses, averaging 18 feet in length. (unchanged) Pressure drop is 6.4 times smooth tube of same I.D. Determined by testing Hose I.D. is 0.25 inches A mounting saddle every 5 inches along the hose length. Only half the hose perimeter is effective. (unchanged)

24 NCSX BAKEOUT Nominal Parameters for 350 C Bakeout Power input8.17 kW He flow total for the VV 290 cfm at 20 atmos abs Pressure drop across 0.70 atmos Temperature in373 C Temperature out365.5 C Flow velocity22.5 m/s A range of operating parameters is applicable.

25 NCSX COOLING Nominal parameters for helium coolant He flow total for the VV309 cfm at 20 atmos abs Pressure drop across hose1.3 atmos Temperature in20 C Temperature out26.6 C Flow velocity (in)24 m/s A range of operating parameters is applicable.

26 NCSX COOLANT PARAMETERS Helium cooling 20 atmos 309 cfm

27 NCSX BAKEOUT PARAMETERS Helium bakeout at 350 C 20 atmos 290 cfm

28 NCSX AIR HEATING Nominal Parameters at Idle (20 C) Power input1.02 kW Air flow total for the VV46 cfm at 8 atmos absolute Pressure drop 0.08 atmos Temperature in29.3 C Temperature out22.2 C Flow velocity3.6 m/s

29 NCSX AIR BAKEOUT Nominal Parameters at 150 C MIE Bakeout Power input 4.75 kW Air flow total for the VV198 cfm at 8 atmos absolute Pressure drop 0.97 atmos Temperature in166 C Temperature out158 C Flow velocity15.4 m/s

30 NCSX RELIABILITY Leaks - hose has burst safety factor of ~25 at temperature - hose will be 100% leak checked - headers permit disconnect and leak check of individual hose assemblies Loss of header circuit - two parallel circuits - operation can continue with one system, at reduced performance, until repairs are made - little effect during MIE Loss of a hose - hose ends may be disconnected at the header and the header stubs plugged - system can continue at reduced performance in some locals (effect covered in DAC) - Some compensation is possible (increase in flow and/or chilling coolant)


32 NCSX CONCLUSION Saddle/Hose thermo-hydraulics and cooling/heating performance are adequate to meet requirements. DACs and ICD are in process of reissue. Assembly drawings are incomplete. - new stud spacing on models not incorporated Engineering detail drawings are adequate for procurement/fabrication. - hose lengths and quantity are not affected and BM for hoses still correct - hose design reviewed by vendor and quote/schedule received - hose detail drawing corrected and can be released in short order

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