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Item 6b. Project Vicinity Park Ave Bridge Existing Park Avenue Bridge.

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Presentation on theme: "Item 6b. Project Vicinity Park Ave Bridge Existing Park Avenue Bridge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Item 6b

2 Project Vicinity Park Ave Bridge

3 Existing Park Avenue Bridge

4 Project Background & Benefits Vitally important bridge as the only access to/from Little Balboa Island Originally built in 1930 and rehabilitated numerous times Full replacement necessary due to advanced deterioration of structurally critical elements Benefits include: Improved traffic and pedestrian access and safety Improved boat access under the bridge structure with fewer columns State of the art bridge construction

5 New Bridge Structure Replaces existing 85-year old bridge Widens both traffic lanes from 10-ft to 11-ft Widen both sidewalks from 4-ft to 6-ft Reconstruct ADA-compliant pedestrian ramps Reduce the number of bridge piles in Grand Canal Maintain architectural character of existing bridge



8 End of Presentation  Item 6b, Application No. 5-14-1668  Park Ave Bridge Replacement  City of Newport Beach

9 Back-up slides



12 Temporary Bridge at Balboa Avenue Reasons supporting this as the best construction approach: Two-lanes of traffic provided through construction phase Unimpeded emergency response access Minimize traffic related impacts Minimize construction impacts in environmentally sensitive Grand Canal Avoid higher risks associated with staged construction approach Confined work area having to maintain vehicle/pedestrian access Structural viability of 85-year old bridge through partial removal


14 CEQA Compliance Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines IS/MND circulated for 30-day public review period October 6, 2014 through November 5, 2014 IS/MND supported by detailed air quality, noise, historical, hazardous materials, water quality, hydraulics and traffic technical studies All impacts associated with the project were determined to be mitigated to below a level of significance Six comment letters received (RWQCB, OC Public Works, California Cultural Resources Preservation Alliance, and adjacent home/business owners) City prepared written Responses to Comments; no comments affecting or altering conclusions within the IS/MND were raised

15 Project Funding & Schedule Highway Bridge Replacement & Replacement Program (Federal Funds) Total Project Funding: $4,414,000 Environmental & Engineering: $886,100 Construction: $3,528,000 Schedule: Approve Environmental Document – November 2014 Obtain Coastal Commission Permit Approval – September 2015 Complete Final Design – September 2015 Construction – January 2016 to December 2016





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