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January 22, 2016. John Bazzanella National Official SR IV Co-Chair WGOSC Member David Dunham International Official SR VI Chair WGOSC Member.

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Presentation on theme: "January 22, 2016. John Bazzanella National Official SR IV Co-Chair WGOSC Member David Dunham International Official SR VI Chair WGOSC Member."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 22, 2016

2 John Bazzanella National Official SR IV Co-Chair WGOSC Member David Dunham International Official SR VI Chair WGOSC Member

3 1 1 Make It Meaningful 2 2 3 3 Make It Interactive Make It Work


5 Why Are We Giving Feedback? What is Our Goal? RATING

6  Better Officials  Individual Development  Player Safety & Experiences  Growth of the Sport  Stronger Local Boards  Culture that values training

7  Training & Development OR Ratings?  We can play a role in helping to shape the right goals  Provide Guidance & Feedback  Connect to Resources  Model & Reinforce

8  Big Picture Goal  Positive Change

9 Create Buy-In Build Trust Empower

10  Start at Their Starting Point  Meet people where they are and help them get where they want to be  Create a sense of urgency  Sustaining change requires an emotional connection to the process

11 Performance Shorter Term From Position Career Longer Term From Personal

12 Connect to Big Picture Encourage Motivate to Action


14 Understanding Engagement Ownership


16  Perception & Filters  Background & Experience  Learning Styles  Visual  Verbal  Logical  Physical  Social  Solitary

17  Active Listening  Clarifying Questions  Summarize & Focus  The importance of explaining WHY?

18  Two-way dialogue makes feedback more meaningful and engages both sides  Feedback is only functional with genuine buy-in from both sides  Someone must want to change before they truly can change

19 Ownership is making a shift from just having Buy-In to taking Personal Accountability



22  Does everyone know what the goals are? Context Time Frame Goals

23  Make feedback fit context  Stay on track and avoid debates  Create opportunities for follow-up

24  Be Clear & Concise  Keep feedback simple  Balance between explanation and brevity  Focus on Priorities  Check for shared understanding

25  Organize/Segment feedback  Give digestible amounts  Tangible, evidence-based feedback  Allow time for processing  Have a plan for follow-up

26  Stay objective and stay engaged  Diagnose causes versus symptoms  Prioritize first steps

27  Create a safe environment  Model the behavior and Walk the Talk  Seek to empower not discourage

28  Verbal – Say It  Words, Shared Meaning  Visual – Show It  Pictures, Diagrams  Logical – Explain It  Reasoning, Systems  Physical – Experience It  Try, Test, Feel

29 What did you observe? What might they change OR build upon? Why? (Big Picture & Personal) How? (Feedback to Action)

30  Professional Development  Mentor & Peer Support  Networking  Practice  Action Plan

31  Formal  Training/Clinics  Observation Program  Convention  Informal  Articles & Videos  Peer Observation


33  Networking  Local, Regional, National  Mentor & Peer Support

34  Clear Goals & Outcomes  Use Feedback  Use Rating Forms/Manual  Action-Oriented Steps  Specific & Measurable  Capacity & Validity

35 Connect to Goals  Empower Change Engagement, Understanding, Ownership Bridge from Feedback to Action

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