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Physical Geography of Sub- Saharan Africa Physical Processes Page 6 ©2012, TESCCC World Geography Unit 9, Lesson 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Geography of Sub- Saharan Africa Physical Processes Page 6 ©2012, TESCCC World Geography Unit 9, Lesson 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Geography of Sub- Saharan Africa Physical Processes Page 6 ©2012, TESCCC World Geography Unit 9, Lesson 1

2 Where is it? Sub- Saharan Africa lies SOUTH of the Sahara desert

3 Divided in four sections West Central East South

4 EAST – PG 360

5 EAST - Great Rift Valley Best known for the Great Rift Valley and the deep lakes found there Most important physical feature in the East Runs from Syria to Mozambique Caused by tectonic forces – divergent plate boundaries that split the African plate ©2012, TESCCC

6 EAST - Ethiopian Highlands ©2012, TESCCC

7 EAST - Lake Victoria Major source of water Largest lake in Africa Dense population ©2012, TESCCC

8 EAST - Mount Kilimanjaro Dormant, inactive, volcano Soil nearby is very fertile ©2012, TESCCC

9 EAST - Serengeti ©2012, TESCCC

10 WEST – Page 362 STEPPES – grasslands Rapidly growing population – To create more cropland Africans have cut down forest leading to DESERTIFICATION Tropical Coast and Dry Desert

11 WEST – Sahel – separates the desert from the Savanna

12 WEST - Savanna

13 CENTRAL – PAGE 364 Central Africa is defined by the rain forest and a variety of natural resources. Congo Basin is main physical feature Rainforest MANY natural resources – Copper, forests, diamonds, and the Congo River River provides Hydroelectric Power

14 CENTRAL - Congo Basin ©2012, TESCCC

15 Inga Dam – Congo River

16 Rainforest

17 SOUTH – Page 366 Southern Africa’s physical geography offers opportunities for economic development Fertile Farmland – Vineyards, tea plantations, fruits, grains Valuable Natural Resources – Copper, gold, diamonds, hydroelectric power, Abundant Wildlife

18 SOUTH - Kalahari Desert ©2012, TESCCC

19 SOUTH - Namib Desert ©2012, TESCCC

20 Team Quiz! Counts as a grade Automatic 100 to the best group – If best group gets 100% they will get 10pts extra credit Sharing answers = -5%

21 Which landform in East Africa was created by divergent plates? What is the major river in Central Africa? What are the two main landforms that make up Southern Africa? What is the largest lake in Africa? What physical feature separates the Sahara and the Savannas? What does ‘dormant’ mean? What is the main physical feature of Central Africa? What resource can a river provide for settlers nearby? (not water ) How are the climates of West Africa complete opposites? What has caused desertification in Africa?

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