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Jag Nation Pride When you enter this classroom, immediately do the following: 1.Take your seat. 2.Turn off all electronic devices and place in backpack.

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Presentation on theme: "Jag Nation Pride When you enter this classroom, immediately do the following: 1.Take your seat. 2.Turn off all electronic devices and place in backpack."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jag Nation Pride When you enter this classroom, immediately do the following: 1.Take your seat. 2.Turn off all electronic devices and place in backpack. 3.Take out all necessary materials (planner, binder, pencil) and place back pack on floor under desk. 4.Read the Smart Board and follow all directions posted. Copy homework assignment into planner. 5.Use a white board to complete any bell work that is assigned.

2 BELLWORK Solve the compound inequality and graph its solution. 1

3 Lesson 19: Rearranging Formulas Page 104

4 STUDENT OUTCOME The student will…. learn to think of some of the letters in a formula as constants in order to define a relationship between two or more quantities, where one is in terms of another, for example holding V in V = IR as constant, and finding R in terms of I. Homework: pgs 108 problems 1-5, 8, 9, 11-17

5 CLASSWORK - Exercise 1 Solve each equation for x. For part (c), remember a variable symbol, like a, b, and c represents a number.

6 Exercise 2 Compare your work in parts (a) through (c) above. Did you have to do anything differently to solve for x in part (c)?

7 Exercise 3 Solve the equation ax − b = c for a. The variable symbols x, b, and c represent numbers.

8 Example 1: Rearranging Familiar Formulas p.105

9 Exercise 4

10 Exercise 5 pg 106 Rearrange each formula to solve for the specified variable. Assume no variable is equal to 0.

11 Example 2: Comparing Equations with One Variable to those with more than One Variable pg. 107

12 Example 2 continued...

13 CLOSING How is rearranging formulas the same as solving equations that contain a single variable symbol? How is rearranging formulas different from solving equations that contain a single variable symbol?


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