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“Early money is like yeast”. MISSION vision is a government that reflects the people it serves, and decision makers who genuinely and enthusiastically.

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Presentation on theme: "“Early money is like yeast”. MISSION vision is a government that reflects the people it serves, and decision makers who genuinely and enthusiastically."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Early money is like yeast”

2 MISSION vision is a government that reflects the people it serves, and decision makers who genuinely and enthusiastically fight for greater opportunity and better lives for the Americans they represent. EMILY’s List’s vision is to be a driving force of change in America. By electing more pro-choice Democratic women to national, state and local office, EMILY’s List will consistently infuse our government with leaders who will drive change.

3 HISTORY EMILY's List was created by Ellen R. Malcolm in 1985 Senator Barbara Mikulski one of EMILY’s List’s first two candidates — became the first Democratic woman elected to the Senate in her own right in 1986. Mikulski is the longest serving woman in the history of the United States Congress. 1990 marked an historic year for women in politics, including the election of Ann Richards as the governor of Texas. The Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill controversy motivated women across the country to take political action and had a record number of candidates Sen. Carol Moseley Braun (IL) is the only African American woman ever to serve in the U.S. Senate-1993

4 HISTORY Membership grew more than 600 percent, with more than 23,000 members contributing over $10.2 million.-1992 Tammy Baldwin (WI) become the first openly gay woman to serve in Congress, bringing the total of Democratic women in the United States Congress to a record high of 43.-1998 EMILY's List House candidates' victories helped Democrats gain control of the House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi to her role as the first woman speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. - 2006 President Barack Obama names four EMILY's List alumnae to his cabinet-2009

5 TYPE According to the Washington Examiner, EMILY's List is "the nation's most influential pro-choice political action committee.“ One of the criticisms is that they only fund women who support abortion rights so you could class Emily's list as: Single-issue- representation in congress Ideological- views on abortion you couldn't class Emily's list as group rights as it doesn't represent all women Emily's list wants to maintain outsider image as it represents the change voters want in government however voters are still wary about putting women in office therefore have to show they have the resources and skills of an insider at the same time

6 MEMBERSHIP EMILY’S List now has 3 million members. Purposive benefits come from the support the organization gives to female pro-choice democratic candidates. Soldarity benefits are obtained through various meetings and dinners held by the organization. Joining the organization and supporting its endorsed candidates also provides members with an opportunity to obtain effective representation in congress. However, EMILY’s list is backing female candidates regardless of conservative economic leanings; in some cases, this has meant backing women who are not even as strong on issues of reproductive rights as their male opponents. they emphasize abortion rights over other progressive issues, such as the minimum wage, that also affect women

7 Type of activity and access points EMILY's List endorsed Hillary Clinton for president bundling $855,518 for Clinton.- Endorsement The group launched a new campaign that highlights the GOP's struggle to connect with women voters- Publicity EMILY’s List put 15 GOP incumbents “On Notice” for their re- election bids. Each incumbent has a bad record on women’s health issues, and will make it a priority to find female recruits to challenge them.- publicity Emily’s list has obvious close ties with Hillary Clinton who was the secretary of state and first lady so that is probably the most significant access point to influence policy.- lobbying Example of direct lobbying- 1992 Malcolm testified in front of committee on house administration regarding proposals on campaign finance.

8 IMPACT AND SUCCESS Emily’s list has had massive electoral success as by 2015 100 pro- choice Democratic women to the House, 19 to the Senate, 11 to governors' seats, and over 700 women to state and local office therefore raising the level of women's political participation and representation. the influence of EMILY's List, is the passage of the new health care law in 2010. She credits the focus of women politicians and the work of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for brining that bill through extraordinary battles. In front of all male witnesses at which Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D- N.Y.) famously asked, “Where are the women?” It was the first PAC that successfully raised important amounts of money from small donors, the strategy Barack Obama used to win in 2008.

9 “Early money is like yeast” It raises the dough!

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