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Resources Recreation & Adventure. Watch the next two clips and write down what you think they are about... Remember it is all about how humans value nature.

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Presentation on theme: "Resources Recreation & Adventure. Watch the next two clips and write down what you think they are about... Remember it is all about how humans value nature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resources Recreation & Adventure

2 Watch the next two clips and write down what you think they are about... Remember it is all about how humans value nature

3 Let’s read through the handout Spiritual Connection A deep connection with the natural environment

4 It is important that we do not visit places as merely tourists, or onlookers, but immerse ourselves in the place, become involved in the life of the place… We don’t yet, and may never fully understand the importance particular places have on our lives, how they shape who we are, what we believe in and how we behave.

5 Continuing with the handout.. Geologist: Studies the origin, history and structure of the earth Ecologists: A biologist who studies the relationship between organisms and their environment Biologists: A scientist who studies living organisms Archaeologists: An anthropologist who studies prehistoric people and their culture by the recovery and examination of remaining material evidence such as graves, buildings and tools

6 Anthropologists: Studies the origin, behaviour, the physical and social and cultural development of humans Botanists: Specialising in the study of plants Agriculturalists: The science, art and business of cultivating soil, producing crops and raising livestock; farming

7 Basalt – volcanic rock Ballast – a device to control stability Now we will read about Newport Lakes and then go through the next worksheet

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