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The Black Death. What was the Plague? A bacteria called Yersina pestis Caused large swellings to appear on victim – Called “buboes” Victims would bleed.

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Presentation on theme: "The Black Death. What was the Plague? A bacteria called Yersina pestis Caused large swellings to appear on victim – Called “buboes” Victims would bleed."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Black Death

2 What was the Plague? A bacteria called Yersina pestis Caused large swellings to appear on victim – Called “buboes” Victims would bleed to death from sores – Or have their lungs liquefy Spread by: – Fleas – Rats – Coughing – Contact with victim

3 Spread of the Plague The Plague started out in China Spread along the Silk Road Came into Europe in 1347 – Arrived into the port of Messina in Sicily – Brought in by rats on merchant ships

4 Treatments Poor Medical Knowledge at this time – People did not know how it spread – Believed anything from miasma to looking at victims spread it Dozens of treatments tried – Bloodletting, leeches, lacing the buboes, etc. Plague Doctors wore bizarre outfits to try and prevent contracting the disease

5 Effects of the Plague Killed 1/3 to 2/3 of the population of Europe – Devastated almost all countries in Europe – Over 20 million people killed Helped break down Feudal System – Towns recovered population faster than manors – Killed everyone indiscriminately, including upper classes – Labor shortage lead to higher wages for peasants

6 Effects cont. People thought it was the wrath of God – Flagellants would whip themselves in penance People began to lose faith in the Church – Church couldn’t save them from the Plague – Set stage for Protestant Reformation Jews blamed for causing the plague and many were killed

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