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ALARA REVIEW WORKING GROUP (ARWG) New ALARA recommendations proposed by the ALARA REVIEW WORKING GROUP (ARWG) Heinz Vincke on behalf of ARWG LS1 committee.

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Presentation on theme: "ALARA REVIEW WORKING GROUP (ARWG) New ALARA recommendations proposed by the ALARA REVIEW WORKING GROUP (ARWG) Heinz Vincke on behalf of ARWG LS1 committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALARA REVIEW WORKING GROUP (ARWG) New ALARA recommendations proposed by the ALARA REVIEW WORKING GROUP (ARWG) Heinz Vincke on behalf of ARWG LS1 committee meeting 24.05.2013 1

2 Classification of interventions in radiation areas until now - 5 criteria, 3 levels ALARA procedures – 3 levels: o If the rad. risk is low <> very light procedure o If it is medium <> an optimization effort is required o If it is high <> an optimization effort is required, the procedure will be submitted to and presented at the ALARA committee 2

3 Retour d’experience until 2011/2012 Many positive examples prove that job optimization (reduction in dose to personnel) was, is and has to remain the main goal. But All DIMR Level III are prepared, not all DIMR Level II ALARA criteria are questioned No coherent approach in A&T departments and LHC experiments for Level I interventions RP act(ed) as “ owner ” of DIMRs Follow-up of recommendations not systematically done No clear guidelines for waiving ALARA committees meetings.... 3 DIMR = Dossier d’Intervention en Milieu Radioactif

4 ALARA Review Working Group MEMBERS: Chair: H. Vincke (DGS/RP) Sc. Sec.: T. Wijnands (EN/HDO) RP (including RP group leader) RSOs from all departments and from the LHC experiments (GLIMOS from ATLAS repl. ATLAS RSO) ‘experts/user’ o R. Catherall o I. Efthymiopoulos o P. Bonna l 4

5 ARWG was expected to deliver: Proposal for ALARA criteria Proposal on how to initiate, to follow up and to archive the DIMRs (for all three levels) Proposal of guidelines for presentations to the ALARA committee Proposal of procedure waiving an ALARA committee meeting 5

6 ALARA criteria 6 ALARA Criteria

7 ALARA criteria and levels at CERN: 7 ALARA Criteria risk assessment required -> RSO and RP decide on ALARA Level 5 mSv hard limits old new

8 DIMR & WDP Dossier d’Intervention en Milieu Radioactif & Work and Dose Planning 8 DIMR & WDP

9 9 2006-2008: DIMR (Dossier d’Intervention en Milieu Radioactif) Started in 2009: DIMR based on a SharePoint site – …. to edit and store work and dose planning documents Create a new work and dose planning folder Create a new work and dose planning document Create a new radiological work permit

10 IMPACT - DIMR & WDP IMPACT ( I ntervention M anagement P lanning & A ctivity C oordination T ool), is a general tool to manage work and activities + related aspects, i.e. planning, infrastructure, co- activities, permits, requests and documentation. ARWG also strongly supported the idea to use IMPACT for DIMRs and they have been implemented into IMPACT already 10 DIMR & WDP

11 Formal Approach Formal Approach All work needs to be announced to superintendent (Work Planning coordinators for experiments)  RP, RSOs/GLIMOS and the superintendents (Work Planning coordinators for experiments) check the list of works and make a ‘first’ DIMR level classification. DIMR Level 1: Work planning by maintenance/repair team IMPACT no documented WDP needed Approval by RSSO/RPE DIMR Level 2 and 3: Work and dose planning by maintenance/repair team, RP and RSO/RSSO Approval by department GL, RSO, RP for DIMR Level II If DIMR Level 3 -> ALARA Committee IMPACT with DIMR 11 LHC experiments apply DIMR/WDP also for Level 1 – integrated into the access request DIMR & WDP


13 Guidelines for presentations in the ALARA committee meeting 13 ALARA Committee

14 Guidelines for presentations in the ALARA committee Short description of intervention and the type (planned, unanticipated, urgent unanticipated) Justification of intervention & consequences in case the intervention does not take place Put the intervention into context using events in the past (if applicable). o Similar activities on the same installation, REX, etc. o Last maintenance performed o Envisaged revisions or replacements in the future Presentation of the DIMR – should contain at least : o Detailed description of major steps of the intervention and the time estimates o Results of mock-up tests and dry-runs (if applicable) justifying the estimated times and working methods o Measures that have been retained to optimize the intervention (remote handling, local shielding etc …..) o Summary of the optimization measures that were considered but not retained o Present the ALARA parameters for the optimized and for the non-optimized version of the DIMR o Assessment of risks of accidents and incidents and measures that have been taken to minimize these risks Summary of the intervention 14 ALARA Committee

15 Waiving of an ALARA committee meeting 15 ALARA Committee

16 Waiving of the ALARA committee meeting Circumstances Repetitive intervention o A procedure has been worked out under which circumstances a waiving of the ALARA committee meeting could be possible – valid for interventions approved already once in the ALARA committee. Urgent maintenance/repair Suggestion: generic DIMRs should be worked out and approved a priori in an ALARA committee meeting. 16 ALARA Committee

17 …in case of waiving Waiving of the ALARA committee meeting has to be recorded This action shall also be noted in the DIMR. The outcome will be presented in the next Radiation Safety Officer Committee (RSOC) meeting... and summarized in the next ALARA committee meeting. 17

18 The ARWG discussed and looked into proposals for: ALARA criteria: o Criteria and Levels o Operational margins o Emergency intervention 18 DIMRs &WDP: o Ownership o Procedure to create, check, validate and close o Work optimization process o Retour d’expérience o Controls o Functionality, routing, CERN integration o Contractors, PCR o Approval rounds o Implementation issues ALARA committee: o Guideline for presentations o Frequency o Quorum o Roles o Waiving of the ALARA committee meeting

19 19 …were approved by S. Myers and R. Trant on 20 April 2013! Final report(s) from ARWG … EDMS doc # 1244380

20 20 Existing ALARA documents (EDMS 825353, 810178 and 810176) will be combined into a single document and updated with the recommendations from the ARWG Next steps + The new rules have become effective on 20. April 2013

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