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Sahara Sahara Desert in Northern Africa. How big is the Sahara? The Sahara is 3.3 million square miles or 25% of Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "Sahara Sahara Desert in Northern Africa. How big is the Sahara? The Sahara is 3.3 million square miles or 25% of Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sahara Sahara Desert in Northern Africa

2 How big is the Sahara? The Sahara is 3.3 million square miles or 25% of Africa.

3 What is the tribe in the Sahara? The tribe is the Turegs. Some customs are wearing blue vials and trading gold and ivory.

4 Meals Camel’s milk and dried dates It is milk from camels and then they dry the dates in baking sun.

5 Animals The Sahara is a home for fennec fox, camel, jerboa, and horned viper. Some animals are the fennec fox, the jerboa, camels and horned viper. The fennec fox is the size of a cat it has huge ears to keep cool it hunts at night. A camel is a horse like creature that can hold water for months. The jerboa is a small mouse that makes tunnels to cool its self down. A horned viper is very dangerous and has a poisonous bite. It can grow up to 2 feet.

6 Oasis It is a small pond formed by natural springs that gives water to people and animals.

7 Topography Chotts, wadis and regs. A reg is a plain of sand and black gravel. Chotts are depressions filled with salt. A wadis is a temporary water source.

8 The average temperature? The average temperature is 85 to103.

9 The highest temperature The Sahara holds the world record for highest temperature at 103.5

10 It is not very rainy! It rains about 1.5 to 2.56 inches a year.

11 Countries Algeria, Tunisia Chad, Egypt Libya, Mali Mauritania, Morocco Niger, Sudan Western Sahara

12 Climate Very hot and dry and sandy too.

13 I hope you enjoyed… The Sahara PowerPoint by Tommy Wilber

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