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Overhaul design and energy study of the library of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture building Cano Catala, Javier Frias Palenzuela, Ricardo.

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Presentation on theme: "Overhaul design and energy study of the library of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture building Cano Catala, Javier Frias Palenzuela, Ricardo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overhaul design and energy study of the library of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture building Cano Catala, Javier Frias Palenzuela, Ricardo Ortega Martinez, Mª Angeles

2 Objective Improving energy efficiency of the library reduce energy consumption reduce pollutant emissions reduce the cost Reform design as economic as possible

3 Energy use in buildings Objectives of the sustainable design: -avoid the depletion of energy resources, -prevent the environmental degradation caused by installations and structures throughout his life, -create livable, comfortable, safe and productive buildings. Objectives of the European Union to 2020: -reduce greenhouse gases emissions by 20 %, -use of 20% of energy from renewable energy, -a 20% increase in energy efficiency BUILDINGS Expenditure of energy Impact on the enviroment CO 2 emissions

4 Building description Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture building (1939) View from Jagiełly Street intersected to Przybystawy Street nowadays View from Piastów Avenue intersected to Jagiełly Street Construction of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture (1965) Location on the ground

5 The Faculty Library South facade view North facade view Location inside the building Floor library - Areas

6 Ventilation system Ventilation is the provision and extraction of the air in a zone. Ventilation can be done naturally or mechanically. In the case of our building, the ventilation is natural. Principles and methodology

7 In our building we have the ventilation system inserted within the framework of the window and through ventilation channels.

8 Equipment used for taking of data Infrared thermometer TESTO 830 Is a thermometer that works by means of infrared. It serves in order to even measure the skin temperature in small objects to one distance safe.

9 Multi-functional measuring TESTO 435 The multi-functional measuring instrument measures temperature, humidity, CO 2, CO, dew point, air velocity, differential pressure, absolute pressure, surface temperature and u-values.

10 Infrared camera FLIR B 335 Is a small and light- weight infrared camera with excellent image quality and high sensitivity, ideal for building diagnostics and energy declaration surveys

11 Taking of data The taking of data was made at day 20 of March to 5:30 a.m with the next condition: external temperature: 3.2°C average speed of the wind: 15 km/h relative humidity: 80%, solar Light: sunrise: 6:08 a.m., sunset: 18:11, cloudiness: high cloudiness, with precipitations


13 At the time of data collection the external temperature was 3.2°C and in the interior of the library 19.1°C.

14 A termography provides to the experts of the construction important information on conditions of isolation, humidity entrances, electrical development of the mould, failures, the presence of thermal bridges and the conditions of the air conditioning systems Repairing these anomalies we will be able to save energy. Thermographies

15 Thermographies in our building

16 Calculation U-Value "U" Value is the coefficient of transmission, of heat through the materials, which compose the building's "envelope," or outer shell.

17 Monthly method EN ISO 13790

18 Total annual energy needs for heating space:137764,28 kWh/year Currently situation MonthOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune H tr 1425,15 H ve 400,68 tMtM 744720744 672744720744720 Q tr 12723,7515494,2419085,6220039,9019345,5716965,0012518,537740,284207,05 Q ve 3577,274356,195365,915634,205438,994769,693519,572176,171182,81 Q H,ht 16301,0219850,4324451,5325674,1024784,5621734,6916038,109916,455389,85 Q sol 2191,961222,75994,311321,151731,272651,823686,144698,595024,13 Q int 978,82947,25978,82 884,10978,82947,25978,82947,25 Q H,gn 3170,782169,991973,132299,972615,373630,644633,395677,425971,38 τ5,50 aHaH 1,37 ɣHɣH 0,1950,1090,0810,0900,1060,1670,2890,5731,108 ɳ H,gn 0,9120,9570,9700,9660,9580,9270,8620,7280,548 Q H,nd,n 13408,4417774,7222536,6723451,7822277,8818369,8712041,965784,102118,85

19 Overhaul design University library proposal Floor library – Overhaul design

20 University library proposal Office nowadays Groupwork room Warehouse 2 Computers room

21 University library proposal Main room after overhaul proposal Main room nowadays

22 Isotherm of current situation Isotherm of overhaul design situation Infrared of current situation Isotherm of overhaul design situation Currently situationOverhaul proposal

23 Currently situationOverhaul proposal Isotherm of current situation Isotherm of overhaul design situation Infrared of current situation Infrared of overhaul design situation

24 MonthOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune H tr 94,58 H ve 400,68 tMtM 744720744 672744720744720 Q tr 844,401028,261266,601329,931283,851125,87830,78513,68279,20 Q ve 3577,274356,195365,915634,205438,994769,693519,572176,171182,81 Q H,ht 4421,675384,456632,516964,136722,845895,564350,352689,851462,00 Q sol 2191,961222,75994,311321,151731,272651,823686,144698,595024,13 Q int 978,82947,25978,82 884,10978,82947,25978,82947,25 Q H,gn 3170,782169,991973,132299,972615,373630,644633,395677,425971,38 τ20,29 aHaH 2,35 ɣHɣH 0,7170,4030,2970,3300,3890,6161,0652,1114,084 ɳ H,gn 0,8080,9260,9590,9490,9310,8470,6790,4270,238 Q H,nd,n 1861,263374,764740,764780,654288,432819,981202,75265,8340,65 Total annual energy needs for heating space:23375,08 kWh/year Overhaul situation

25 Comparative

26 Dziękujemy za uwagę.

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