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The Civil War 1922-23 3 rd Yr. Outbreak of civil war Country was divided, even families split apart irregulars led by Rory O’Connor......took over Four.

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Presentation on theme: "The Civil War 1922-23 3 rd Yr. Outbreak of civil war Country was divided, even families split apart irregulars led by Rory O’Connor......took over Four."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Civil War 1922-23 3 rd Yr

2 Outbreak of civil war Country was divided, even families split apart irregulars led by Rory O’Connor......took over Four Courts Collins ignored them - why? Wanted to avoid civil war but after GE in 1922, Collins knew he had to stop the irregulars Why? The country had endorsed the treaty

3 Civil War Collins attacked Four Courts in June 1922 used artillery borrowed from Britain civil war had started bitter fighting spread to O’Connell St free state army controlled Dublin in one wk

4 Munster irregulars retreated to Munster - why? support was strongest there led by liam Lynch hard-line republican - would never surrender used guerrilla tactics against army but Free State army was bigger and growing gradually took control of Munster

5 Leaders die Aug 1922 Arthur Griffith leader of govt died of stroke 10days later Collins killed in ambush William T Cosgrove becomes new head of state kevin o’Higgins put in charge of law and order passed a new law...could execute irregulars for having a gun

6 End of war became clear that the irregulars couldn’t win dev tried to stop the fighting but Liam Lynch refused only when he was killed was ceasefire possible truce called in May 1923

7 Results of Civil War (1) 1.£30 million of damage caused to country v bad for new economy buildings, railways, towns destroyed 2. Almost 600 people killed 3. Nation divided people bitter for decades

8 Results of Civil War (2) 4. Led to the 2 main political parties Cumann na gael was pro-treaty SF they were led by Cosgrove They would become Fine Gael in 1930s Fianna Fail was anti-treaty SF they were led by Dev

9 Vocab Recap Truce govt of ireland act irish expectations Br expectations the treaty dail vote pro-treaty reasons anti-treaty reasons rory o connor

10 Vocab Recap gen election 1923 civil war irregulars guerrilla warfare munster leaders die, results of civil war

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