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C1.2(1) What Types of Government Exist Today? Anarchy (Anarchist) Political and social disorder due to the lack of a government authority We do not need.

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Presentation on theme: "C1.2(1) What Types of Government Exist Today? Anarchy (Anarchist) Political and social disorder due to the lack of a government authority We do not need."— Presentation transcript:

1 C1.2(1) What Types of Government Exist Today? Anarchy (Anarchist) Political and social disorder due to the lack of a government authority We do not need elected leaders or religion Current hierarchical (arranged with rank) forms of government are coercive (force people to do things) Movement is often associated with violence

2 C1.2(1) Theocracy (Theocrat) A government subject to religious authority Religious leaders, divinely guided (led by God) rule the government and state Examples in history: The Pharos in Egypt Roman Emperors Japan (until after WWII, 1946) Examples today: Iran Islamic states ruled by the Sharia (sacred law)

3 C1.2(1) Monarchy (Monarchist) A government in which supreme power is held by a king or queen It is “hereditary” – based on inheritance “Most common form of government in history Until the American Revolution in 1776 Examples today: Spain, United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Thailand The difference between monarchies today and those in history: In the past, “Absolute Monarchy” – no limits to monarch’s power Today most are a “Constitutional Monarchy”- limits the power of the monarch

4 1.2(1) Dictatorship (“Totalitarian”) Power is held by one person or small group Power is not restricted by law People have no political power Examples in history: Adolf Hitler Vlad III (“The Impaler”) Vladimir Lenin Saddam Hussein Examples today: Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe) Kim Jong Un (North Korea)

5 C1.2(1) Oligarchy (Oligarchist) control by a small group of individuals whose authority generally is based on wealth or power. If military runs the gov’t it is known as a “Military Junta” Example in history: Ancient Greece Example today: Russia (Vladimir Putin)

6 C1.2(1) Democracy (Democrat) The people hold the power From the Greek words “demo” (the people) “crat” (power) Most common form of government today Two types: Direct Democracy (the people decide on issues directly) Representative Democracy (the people elect representatives to decide on issues) U.S. has this style

7 C1.2(1)

8 Communism (Communist) government owns land, oil, factories, ships, etc., and there is no privately owned property Personal freedom is restricted Government controls the media Examples in History: The Soviet Union (Russia) Examples today: Cuba, North Korea, China

9 C1.2(1) Socialism (Socialist) the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole A mix of Capitalism (the economic system of a Democracy) and Communism Examples today: Canada Ireland Fascism Nation and race are above the individual Severe restriction on opposition views

10 C1.2(1) SUMMARY QUESTIONS 1.Why Do You Think Monarchies Were “Absolute” in the Past, Yet Are “Constitutional” Today? 2.Why Do You Think People Have Difficulty Overthrowing Dictatorships? 3.Why Do You Think Fascist Governments Are Often Associated with War? 4.Of All The Types of Government, Which Do You Think is Best? Why? 5.Which Do You Think is Worst? Why?

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