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Monday August 10, 2015 Students wrote an autobiographical letter.

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1 Monday August 10, 2015 Students wrote an autobiographical letter

2 Bell Ringer - Tuesday 8/11/15 All bell ringers should be labeled with date and kept in a separate section of your binder. You will have random unannounced bell ringer quizzes. Name the part of speech of the italicized word in the following sentence. 1.The acorn was under the tree. 1.I seldom see the president smile. 1.Those shoes do not match that outfit. 1.Los Angeles is a large city which is inhabitedby stars. 1.Tom may look like he is old enough to drive,but he is still a child.

3 Let’s see what you know!!!! 1.preposition 2. adverb 3. adjective 4.Los Angeles - proper noun; large - adjective; which - relative pronoun; by - preposition 5.may - helping verb; he - pronoun; old - adjective; but - conjunction; a - adjective (indefinite article)

4 Objective 1 - Define unknown vocabulary Unit 1 Introduction to the Essential Question vocabulary Label your paper Unit 1 Essential Question Vocabulary Write down the words and the definition ●belief: a feeling that something is true or exists ●circumstance: a fact or condition that affects a situation, an action, or an event ●convince: to persuade someone to believe something ●perspective: point of view ●skeptics: people who question what others believe to be true

5 Objective 2 - TSW create original sentences in dialogue format with vocabulary aligned with the Essential Question - Can Truth Change

6 DIRECTIONS: Fill in the dialogue below using ALL of the vocabulary words. Ms. Patty was new to Canyon High School. She was excited about the art class she would teach the ninth graders. For their first project, they would spread a canvas on the floor of the art room and then take turns throwing paint at the canvas. It would be a group work of art. What a great way for the class to get to know each other. The class got underway, and it went really well! At least that’s what Ms. Patty thought. Some others at the school were not so sure.... What did they have to say about Ms. Patty’s project? 1.Mr. Langston, Principal: 2.Ms. Grace, Teacher with classroom next door: 3.Mr. Thompkins, Janitor: 4.Willa Burke, Art student:

7 Objective 1 A story can differ depending on who tells it. Every person sees things in his or her own way. So, if you ask three witnesses about the same event, you may get three different versions of the truth. Each is a subjective version of the truth. ●credible: believable or trusted ●distort: to explain or report something that is incorrect or untrue ●evidence: a fact, an object, or a sign that convinces you that something is true ●manipulate: to fool people into thinking or acting a certain way ●verify: to find out if something is correct or true

8 Objective 3 - Complete a story using new vocabulary DIRECTIONS: Continue the story below the line, using each vocabulary word AT LEAST ONCE. “Your bicycle came out of nowhere!” Stuart said. “I was minding my own business and—boom! There you were!” ”Actually,” Carlotta replied, “you ran into the street after your soccer ball without looking. If you had looked, you would have seen me. Now, because of you, I swerved into that fire hydrant and damaged my bicycle. You owe me money for the damage.” Just then, Stuart’s older brother came by and asked, “What happened?”...

9 Sit back and relax You’re going to go back to childhood and enjoy having a story read to you! Yes, yes, a children’s book! Dr. Seus - Oh the Places You’ll go!

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