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Making the “god” of MY Choice ( 1 ) “Why knee-knocking awe is replaced by a yawn of familiarity”

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Presentation on theme: "Making the “god” of MY Choice ( 1 ) “Why knee-knocking awe is replaced by a yawn of familiarity”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the “god” of MY Choice ( 1 ) “Why knee-knocking awe is replaced by a yawn of familiarity”

2 The " Spectre of the Brocken "

3 The sin of idolatry This is the "sin of sins" Modern idolatry is "advanced" from primitive ignorance Satan's evil scheme—there is a god DIFFERENT than the biblical God (2 Corinthians 10:5)

4 Satan ’ s evil scheme is successful The idolater today has mentally modified the God of the Scriptures A religion of convenience but no conviction A god who is personal and up close but not the sovereign Lord Adherents who follow feelings rather than faith

5 Pharaoh’s query…WHO is God? (Exodus 5:2) Isaiah 40:18-25—"withering sarcasm poured upon the infatuation of idol framers and worshipers" To remake God in our minds is idolatry (Isaiah 55:8-9)

6 An uncomfortable query— Am I guilty of idolatry?

7 The traits of idolatry The Supernatural is recognized The biblical "God" is redesigned

8 Psalm 81:9; Isaiah 43:12—"strange" comes from the root which means "to turn aside from." One has taken the basic idea and has "turned aside" and fashioned something totally different! (Hebrews 13:9) Man is not to “change” what has been ordered by the Almighty (Proverbs 24:21; see Proverbs 22:28; 23:10)

9 The traits of idolatry The Supernatural is recognized The biblical "God" is redesigned It is selfish

10 Selfish Idolatry Turning from the biblical Deity they fashion a "god" which can co-exist with their selfishness (Amos 7:10-17; 3 John 9).

11 The traits of idolatry The Supernatural is recognized The biblical "God" is redesigned It is selfish It is sincere

12 Sincere Idolatry … This "sincerity" is a delusion (2 Thessalonians 2:10b-11). “Each of us will see God differently, and seek to worship Him differently. It is my belief that God has given to each of us a personality type that seeks to worship Him differently from other personality types…Our God enjoys spontaneous, loving, heart-felt responses of any nature as long as they are authentic.”

13 Sincere Idolatry … The God of Scripture does not accept the governing principle of “sincerity” (1 Kings 13:21; 18:27-29). One may be very sincere but be very wrong (Romans 10:1-3; Acts 23:1; 26:9). One may be very sincere but be damned eternally (Matthew 7:21-23).

14 The traits of idolatry The Supernatural is recognized The biblical "God" is redesigned It is selfish It is sincere The Truth of God is changed

15 Redefining Truth Altering or ignoring biblical Truth (Romans 1:25; 2 Timothy 2:17-18; 3:8; 4:3, 4; Jeremiah 23:16) Common in our day “Truth" about God is only "individual."

16 The traits of idolatry The Supernatural is recognized The biblical "God" is redesigned It is selfish It is sincere The Truth of God is changed Perplexity and inconsistency

17 Idolatry ’ s Perplexity … In our post-modern world “truth” has become “plastic.” It can be refashioned to fit one’s latest desires. Psalm 97:7— בּוּשׁ (BOSH) "confounded" (KJV) or "ashamed" (NASB) "to be ashamed; put to shame; disappointed."

18 The traits of idolatry The Supernatural is recognized The biblical "God" is redesigned It is selfish It is sincere The Truth of God is changed Perplexity and inconsistency Quick identification

19 Idolatry Identified … Those who reject the biblical concept of God are quickly identified (2 Timothy 3:8-9) A clear difference because of one's belief about God (1 Kings 22:7)

20 The traits of idolatry The Supernatural is recognized The biblical "God" is redesigned It is selfish It is sincere The Truth of God is changed Perplexity and inconsistency Quick identification Stubbornness restricts their religion

21 Idolatry ’ s Stubbornness … The selfish person looks at the biblical teaching regarding God but he does not like what he sees. He then whittles upon the biblical concept until a more appealing "god" is found. This stubbornness fuels the individualism that feeds idolatry. Modern man seeks to find God in "his own way; by his own experience; with his personal meaning." (Acts 26:14)!

22 Concluding Thoughts … Leviticus 19:4— It is tempting to construct a "god" that… …fits my personal tastes …is comfortable for my lifestyle choices …is convenient when needed but at other times is conveniently tucked away and of no concern

23 Concluding Thoughts … How do you view "God"?  Is it a negotiable portrait?  Is it crafted to personal tastes?  Is it according to the Truth of the Scriptures?

24 Making The God Of MY Choice : “The Mechanics of making your own god ( 2 ) ” Our next lesson…

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