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Motivation. EQ: What motivates me? 0 Bell ringer: What does the quote mean? 0 “The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots.

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Presentation on theme: "Motivation. EQ: What motivates me? 0 Bell ringer: What does the quote mean? 0 “The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivation

2 EQ: What motivates me? 0 Bell ringer: What does the quote mean? 0 “The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests.” -Epictetus, Greek Philosopher, 55-135 C.E.

3 0 For the next slides: read the statement and move to the card that you most identify with

4 0 I am a motivated person

5 0 I feel stressed much of the time

6 0 I feel most stressed by my…. 0 Home life 0 School life 0 Social life

7 0 I am an emotional person

8 0 I have a hard time controlling my anger and emotions

9 0 I have a healthy lifestyle

10 0 I have known someone with an eating disorder (bulimia, anorexia, obesity)

11 0 I am motivated when I feel positive about something

12 0 I feel motivated when I have set a goal for myself

13 0 I am motivated by my physiological needs

14 0 I feel motivated by my peers

15 0 I am motivated by rewards and/or punishments

16 Motivation 0 Inner state that energizes behavior toward a goal 0 Study of motivation is to learn what moves a person or other animal to act in a particular way

17 Reflection 0 Write a descriptive story about a time you felt motivated and the causes of your motivation

18 EQ: What are internal and external factors of motivation? 0 Bell ringer: Make a list of everything you did yesterday and next to each thing write what motivated you to do it?

19 What motivates you-class list

20 Reasons for motivation 0 Internal influences: something inside of you pushes you toward or away from something 0 Ex: Genes, enjoyment, fear, personal satisfaction

21 0 External Influences: influences that pull a person in a specific direction 0 EX: peers, grades, parents, rewards

22 Categorize class list

23 Alcoholism in teenagers 0 Internal push factors? 0 External pull factors?

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