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Your journal prompt: What would you do if you knew you only had two years to live? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Your journal prompt: What would you do if you knew you only had two years to live? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your journal prompt: What would you do if you knew you only had two years to live? Why?

2 Grammar: Action Verbs Follow-up Writing : Résumés Questions??? Literature: Tuesdays with Morrie Forming Questions Thursday, 12 September 2013 Writing Improvement:Imagery

3 Writing: Résumés Does anyone have questions or want me to look over your beginning work? Have the links worked?

4 Suggested Online Student Résumé Resources Job Search for Teens, Students, and College Grads Htm JobWeb Career Development and Job-Search Advice for New College Graduates Student Resume Tips. Fletcher, Louise. “Writing Your First Resume.” General Technical Writing Guidelines

5 Grammar: Action Verbs Transitive Verbs: conveys an action and is followed by an object that receives the action of the verb Intransitive Verbs: conveys an action but is not followed by an object I cleaned the windows yesterday. The girl cried quietly

6 Action verbs can be time-telling verbs. They tell when something takes place - in the present, in the future or in the past, such as ‘we were married 41 years ago’, ‘we will finish the test on Friday’ Action verbs can also be actions you can't see such as 'thought' or 'wanted’ “I really wanted that after passing the food stand.”

7 Literature: Tuesdays with Morrie Learning to question--worksheet. Factual example: What year was it when Morrie was diagnosed? What did Mitch give Morrie as a graduation gift?? Preparation for seminar Every reading assignment you will be composing three questions

8 Question Examples Inductive Question: Why is Morrie so important? Page

9 Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom Reading assignments: 9/10pages 1-13 9/12pages 14-29 9/16 pages 30-45 9/18pages 46-61 Three types of questions are assigned for each reading section as homework in preparation for our Socratic Seminar.

10 Writing time I want you to write about your life (something you don’t mind sharing!). Your writing should be about something that mattered to you and is important (examples: your first memory? Where were you on 9-11? An event that shaped your life in some way? Etc.)

11 Now… Look over your journal and underline all of your action verbs. Count them up and put your tally below your journal. Now count how many linking verbs you use. How do they compare? Which did you use more?

12 ImageryImagery

13 Writing Time Cont. Now I want you to go back to that last piece. I want you to re-write it using imagery!

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